You wrote: "We have disparate mindsets on these issues and I will not capitulate to your sympathizing with our very corrupt political system. It’s not the best or what we must settle for."
I write: "When did I ask U to capitulate or surrender your ideals & beliefs? Capitulate's definition: To cease to resist an opponent or an unwelcome demand; surrender."
I hope I am not your opponent rather your brethren. If my opinions are unwelcome, my apologies for my responses. I will no longer respond to you with my opinions out of respect, but I will still clap 4U.
Our Heroes & Heroines are personal & has no rational basis but 2 thine own heart. Heroin is by choice. I will stand by my imagination that Lincoln would still make a better President than Biden.
And, yes, I have read the Declaration of Independence. I have also read Marx who caused a lot of innocent proletariats to suffer by his myopic vision of utopia & re-doing the Russian Empire like all prophets such as St. John & Isaiah. I prefer to side with St. Paul & Robin Hood.
Under the radar, baby! That’s how small mammals survived the extinction of the big dumb beasts & brutes.