Your Info is positively Mid-Evil. It's interesting how even the Media has shifted their focus 2the topic of misinformation on the Head-Lines. I.t. is like Sauron looking for I.T.’s Precious, tired of the bickering of Hobbits thinking they were human Once upon Atime, &gazed upon their lies. Big brother is watching as i.t. did in 1917 with the Spanish Flu, Mr. Trump. China-virus, burning witches, burning books, Global Warming, doubting science, butt having no FAITH in eviL-dance. Is that evidence enuF that the Golden Age of AmericaN’T is over? We have returned 2the Medieval ages once again. A civilization like a coronavirus is not a line, but a spiral up or down upon Ur choosing. Take a look @something not made of Silicon, do u C-any lines in Nature? I c-only circles &waves. Don’t trust Ur textbooks; look with your eyes with a new lens. Lines R-Lies in Nature, as birth & death R-lines oui tell ourselves & our children. But, i.t. can’t b-the end of the line. Is there an end in Nature? There is, in the mind though we pretend 2understand recycling &TRASH. Sh… Oui have made 1 complete revolution from the Dark Ages only 2enter another. Rennaissance, DEAD along with God by Nietzsche’s best guess. Long live Big Data and Artificial intelligence (AI). Move over God. In. A.I. we dis-trust &trust. MAGA is dead. We R-certainly not Ba Great Nation again. I am a hypo-crite for saying 2my son, “mistakes make U.S. great”. NAGA is closer 2the truth.
Naw’ Ain’t Great America (NAGA)
. (FYI: Naga is Hades or the Devil or ruler of the Underworld in Hinduism and Buddhism. You can put a period or a question mark at the end of the acronym. Context & perspective make all the difference.)
Your article was a shocking revelation on how 2b a bully, or how to love ignorance more than reason or truth: Pray faithfully 2 the 3 devilish monkeys if you want to be a bully: Rumors, Stigma, Conspiracy. See no evil, hear no evil, speak nothing but evil to be Mid-Evil in America. We are somewhere between a primate and a demigod. The barometer leans toward the beast these days.
If I am to justified to write about the coronavirus bc I have a B.A & RPh, then I can write about bullies bc I am a victim of bullies, enough to have PTSD every day. I provide some more examples for Medium on how Rumors, Stigma and Conspiracy became rampant not only during a pandemic but in any crisis such as Global Warming, Racism, Poverty, Misogyny, divorce, losing a loved one …. I have experienced each one of the Terrible Trinity in excruciating detail and relive it in vivid colors when some lies trigger my PTSD. I’m like a soldier running for cover or pulling out my piece when my phone vibrates or when the door knocks. Yes, I can write about Lies & Bullies with conviction.
- Here are what bullies did during the AIDS crisis. They believed whole-heartedly or on a whim that raping a virgin would cleanse them of the sin of AIDS in sub-Saharan Africa, as well as parts of India and Thailand. Just like the coronavirus, having sex with a virgin only propagates the dis-ease. Going to a party, NOT wearing masks or Yes 2-re-opening schools at this time are the same things, like fiddling while Rome Burns by the music we choose.
- Hate-speech of people silencing the voices who spread the good news of the pandemic.
- Peer pressure to not wear masks or take proper precautions to fit in with the infected. Church-goers and children will be the drivers of the 2nd wave.
- The dirty looks from everyone if you are not strapping one on from the pious White Americans.
- It’s a leftist conspiracy. No it is a rightwing conspiracy. No it’s bc of the murder of crows on your sick kid’s unmasked nose.
- It’s not real, the other guy started the pandemic.
- It’s God’s punishment on the wicked. They deserve I.T.
- The Devil made me do it. I’m not 2-blame.
- The Sith Lord is real, but he’s too smart for Putin or Kim Jon Ill. May I.O.T. & COVID be with you. We are helpless. What can we do?
You hit i.t. on the head, literally. People often say people don’t change. So, the same people that burned witches or raped virgins to cure them of their dis-ease are still alive and well in these Post-Truth times with their dirty mouths gaping. They got cooler gadgets and Teslas through the ages, but remained still backward as ever with power beyond imagining. Frightful like a President with a key to the warheads. The victims drowned or burned whether innocent or not. The only difference is that we are all now wearing the Emperor’s Gucci Stole 4000 years later. We were conceived as animals in the evolution tree of life from a seed, and God asked us to grow up to be a human sheltering the weak, and speak the Truth. How well have we grown up as a species? More Chimp or more human?
I officially declare as a human with a vote that the Renaissance has come to a runny end. Humanism has died, thank God! The age of A.I. has begun just as we foretold and watched in Terminator with sick horror & pleasure. If you were an alien would you save us or destroy us after reading our files unencrypted? Just like when we discovered our imaginations are limitless through killing Jesus, we went on an animal rampage till we enslaved Africa & Asia & don’t forget Oceana in His name. After the bullies freed their victims, they made them pick their cotton, deliver pizzas or gather their produce without masks. Now, they are enslaving our words and minds by obfuscating common sense by inciting us to debate masks and kids.
Indeed, how do we curb misinformation? It is like trying to escape the small town with ignorant hill-billies only to find centuries later the world has become a dis-united race of hill-billies, bullies and victims who want to be just like the superstars & superheroes. Very few want to be like a child, like a Christ to get through the eye of the needle. He gets killed in the end and kids go to infested schools. Very few want to be like Buddha, life is impermanent and suffering seems endless. Better to be a loudmouthed atheist speaking mis-truths to get the early worm than the stupid worm.
In the darkest of times, there is light. In the brightest of times, there is dimness in human common sense.
I agree we should combat misinformation as hard as we can. But, we are the cause of the misinformation and ears of misinformation like the noise and senses getting closer till they meet in oblivion. Yes, sharing is caring, but what words and images you digest becomes you as it was told by tv moms. Take a look at your watchlist and see if Jesus would be proud of your wicked collection?
The government and public agencies cannot help the defenseless any longer. They are the masters of Post-Truth and Spin. Russia and China are the demonic thrones of misinformation. America is agnostic on this one while they do the same with information upon their weakest citizens. We are not blameless since misinformation has to be digested and regurgitated for the vicious cycle to work. Just like the coronavirus and the human race, they need each other to propagate. If humans are UNwilling to stop misinformation, stop hate-speech, hate-people-lesser than-themselves in this co-dependent relationship, the coronavirus will also not give us a break until it has Wormed itself into the human genome. Also if children tear down effigies of great men because he as an -IST, then they are no better than racists, and oppressors erasing past-information with an image or word of their making rather than seeking the awful truth in the present. We are an awful species still prodigal to our Promise as a race to be united.
Until humans treat their species as a whole lot better and with more respect armed with common sense & Truth, mis-information or I.O.T. will then be the end of us of our own making as Revelations foretold. It’s called eschatology, get over it. It means, we can’t digest misinformation forever. Some day, we will be dead and dead mouths tell no tales or leave no fossils. Especially true if our great-grandchildren found U.S & our bones wicked during the pandemic and wrote us off the people’s story and books of history.
We propagate our enslavement by our co-dependence with information. With the internet, everyone gets a voice. Is that such a good thing like finding an undiscovered Indie Band off-label? The end result of democracy is mob-ocracy, which is what we see today in the Oval Office. Why don’t we ever choose & digest the good news as adults while hypocritically we teach kids that the Good people always wins when it is so horrific outside like the apocalypse? Or am I imagining all this and spreading misinformation? Everything is a cycle and repeats. Prohibition created ganstas & never left America. They built speakeasies to quench their vices. Now, the religion is not alcohol but the Pursuit of Happiness to the exclusion of other people’s happiness: exercise, + thinking and money without faith or trust. Hardcore body-builders are our new gangsters building illegal gym-joints instead of Gin-joints. Let’s top the vicious cycle before we are on the lamb from the virus. We live in 1984 as Orwell said, now.
Too depressed to be even horrified or terrified to care? Once you've been punched till nothing left is standing, reason comes shining through clearly and thoughtful action is all there is. I leave you with the only Word of Truth I put my trust and fear. I find many blessings from SARS-COV2. Thank you coronavirus. I humbly receive.:
Jesus spoke:
“Do you see all these things?” he asked. “Truly I tell you, not one stone here will be left on another; every one will be thrown down.” “Watch out that no one deceives you. For many will come in my name, claiming, ‘I am the Messiah,’ and will deceive many. Then you will be handed over to be persecuted and put to death, and you will be hated by all nations because of me.
Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold, but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved.
For then there will be great distress, unequaled from the beginning of the world until now—and never to be equaled again. “So if anyone tells you, ‘There he is, out in the wilderness,’ do not go out; or, ‘Here he is, in the inner rooms,’ do not believe it. When you see all these things, you know that it is near, right at the door.
But understand this: If the owner of the house had known at what time of night the thief was coming, he would have kept watch and would not have let his house be broken into. So you also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him.
‘My master is staying away a long time,’ and he then begins to beat his fellow servants and to eat and drink with drunkards. The master of that servant will come on a day when he does not expect him and at an hour he is not aware of. He will cut him to pieces and assign him a place with the hypocrites, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.
This is the Word of the Lord (period)