Oct 29, 2020

Your exasperation did not go un-noticed. My sentiments & rhetoric exactly as a simian 1st, homo sapien 2nd, an XY chromosome 3rd & a parasite on God's Green Earth 4th.
What can I say that you haven't already vented so scientifically with pretty graphs?
In the words of Alvin Ho:
"Crying is really great. It makes you very tired. & when U run out of tears, u can just go to sleep. So I did. I went to sleep in the time machine (far away from Kansas or U.S.) headed for the Mesozoic Era where I was going 2b scared to death ..."
Come join me, E.R., let's leave U.S. if only in our hearts & minds & fragmented imaginations 4a better humanity than Cain & Adam’s dream of conquest of women & beasts beneath their dirty little feats.
I'll follow JC even if it is to our collective slaughterhouse or X built with bloody hands. We are indeed at the end of the Kali Yuga, aka armageddon, apocalypse, rapture, etc.. The Wrath of God is upon U.S. bc we have built a tower of Babylon or Babel like in the bad ol' days of Sodium & Gomo-rah-rah-rah out of planes, pandemics, global warming, plasmids, Crispy Tech, colored people besides white & such.
Alvin Ho was right to fear everything. Trust Know 1. Trust only O.G. or J.C.

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