Yes, I am a witch by your quiz, or would the hated Ramoni term for me be a Gypsy? These proud rotten eggs were the children of Esau as gifts from Jacob the Jew.
My familiar scored a 25 although I didn’t fare too well. It’s easier when you-R BP & a warlock or shaman or whatever the anti-Semites hate these days. Whomever Hitler hated, love these witches today.
Even still, death by the pandemic, another man-made creation, still tops the number of “suspected witches were rounded up and put to death in Europe from 1500 to 1660.” Both a product of male ignorance.
I quote: “There was no witch craze there because they were too busy torturing Jews.”
Actually the Sons of Caine were torturing their brothers & sisters since witches aka Gypsies are reputed 2b related to the children of Israel.
I quote: “…If you live there, you are free to hex your neighbor (in the 17th century)...”
Me think witches & warlocks are hunted down at any era even after the E.R.A. was amended into the Declaration of Independence. We can call it that instead of the Declaration of Male-Independence after the suffrage movement passed Congress.
There is no way to avoid the witch-hunt from misogynists, racists, ageist, leftists or rightists. They are all sinister imho.
The ancient witches may have all been burnt to a crisp, but the Pilgrims & Taliban are still hunting for rotten eggs like Salmon Rushdie, which by the way is why bad eggs like Warlocks float while good eggs sink like a rock without air bubbles.
My weakest areas of improvement R-many. My familiar is a demon spawn scoring off the charts. So my Succubus won’t divulge her name on Medium.
She agrees that “Men are trouble. Who needs that.”
In the end all our property will go to the state or the estate whether your family is disinherited for breeding a witch or a gypsy or a Jew. In North Korea, if you commit a mortal sin they would execute of all the close & extended kin of the perp. They would be shot or jailed into 9 groups: 4 generations of the paternal line, 3 from the maternal line, and & from the wife's. Imagine if you were a NK, trans-gendered witch!
The Holocaust will come again to our shared His-Story 2 my dread with reason. I wonder who the sons of Caine will target next? Trannys? Evangelicals? Themselves? Self-hating witches sinking like rotten eggs?
“Either way, next time you should think twice about making pacts with the devil.”
Indeed, but too late..
“Izjele te viestice”