3 min readOct 14, 2020


Wow! Speaking as a closeted writer, your style sparkles from BPD like a diamond in the rough when the colors in your monster come out of the shadows. Do I sound like someone with a borderline personality disorder?
If this article & your previous articles were a Cosmo-Quiz, methinks my score would blow a whole through the roof, metaphorically speaking.
All this time, I thought my many failed relationships & divorce was because I kept dating people with BPD as my mother foretold in her Taemong. Some certainly lacked empathy like socio-paths in skirts with a vengeance toward their fathers. Some of them felt the air like pins & needles with each step apart. Each flick of her eyebrows sent me into Dante's Inferno time & again.
I now realize through your article when I was ruffled for being mislabeled a dis-empathic bipolar Asian man it was bc I had another layer of psychological disorder, BDP, thanks 2U. After my feathers were smoothed after your read, I saw the humor & grace in your writing that spoke of me & to me. Thank you. 감사합니다.
So, I'm coming out of the closet through my response 2admit my eyes have borderline personality disorder (BPD) on top of all the labels & pathologized acronyms this f*c*ed up dis-U.S.A. has to provide for yellow men like me. It is true, "It's not U, it's me with BDP."
To solve your riddle if people with BPD possess empathy, I would say yes & no & depends. Every human possesses empathy, even Hitler or the Hillside Strangler, even Trump for that matter. They choose to bury the soul while others resurrect their empathy despite the cost to themselves. I & Thou, indeed. I think Jesus would be considered the high end of the other spectrum nailed far-left of the human tree.
Like all disorders & all things, there is a polarity to all things under heaven. On 1 hand a BPD peep can be overwhelmed by the smallest hungry lizard & withdraw appearing as a socio-path to the untrained eye to his man-cave. The weight of angels rests upon his shoulders as he surrenders like a dear before headlights with each revelation. It's not unlike autism versus ADHD to the commoners.
On the other spectrum are those with BPD who wrestle with angels, but fight with all their might although knowing it is a losing battle like Jacob birthing a nation hated by many. But these days we medicate our hyperactive kids instead of pointing that stupid finger at oneself for not only betraying their trust but abandoning them again & again because children have nowhere to run. We call it a mood-disorder when the commoners are in disorder. The pandemic is proof positive of they wanton wayward Wayz. They pathologize visionaries & make them feel abandoned & insignificant as we most feared.
Once I was diagnosed with BP-II, my sister stopped asking how I was doing & instead led the conversation with, "are you taking your meds" or "did Jesus phone you again?" And, nothing tragic had changed besides a really huge FUBAR in my life once again as BPD do & dew.
As they say in the nation of BP, BPD lovers, Ça Ira! (French to English translation: Don't worry. Be happy & embrace not be embarrassed by BPD)
F**k them, even your parents & kin & even your kiddos as I have myself many times over.
Reply back to them as Buber might retort, “Who is my mother, & who are my brothers? Here r my mother & my bothers. 4 whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother & sister & bother & my mother (어머니).”
I have my madness, my Koreaness, my Jesus & that infernal Occidental Lilith 2keep me company far from the maddening commoners on Medium & the Red States hoping for a taste of what me & Walt Whitman felt with pure empathy without borderlines or personality or disorders.
Oui, we sing the body electric better than the rest bc entropy is a Lie.



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