Oct 26, 2020


Wow, Modern Parent (MP) U started a War of the Roses on Medium. U2 DJ. Even R.E.L. joined in the bar-room brawl over MP's son.
Don't give that sun-hater X an out!! That's watt REL wrote in the DJs comments. Dew U readers on Medium agree? What does REL even mean? Is REL saying DJs supposition that men r knot nurturing bc they can't b impregnated and is thus free from empathy? Is compassion the exclusive territory of the double X chromosome? Or am I out of line again? I think the meat of REL's response is, I quote:

"Education and experience combined tell me you are incorrect."

I think REL misconstrued DJs words just like Jews & Christians did to the Old News & the Good News. In the words of Mr. King,

“People, I just want to say, you know, can we all get along? Can we get along?”


That's after he was lampooned by the police like MLK.
Hallelujah, as my son said to MP, it's ok to dislike me, just don't kill your son or a Skywalker. Girls are definitely easier to love. They actually talk and care about feelings rather than fondling an iPad as 4-play.
The War of the Roses lasted 30 years. Let's c how long we can keep MPs chain going, straight 2 the bank with his son hopefully.



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