Please excuse the following out-burst from L.S.D. :
LSD: <F**k M*d**m’s dumb RT Policy>
I have included this to increase read time, which is how writers get paid on Medium these dayz. The audience reads & the writer get paid Pee-Nuts. The average salary on this particular Blog site is about a dime per hour, weigh b-low the belt & min-im-ummm wage in CA. They tightened the monetizing of writers by de-valuing “CLAPS” like STD to Read Time. This practice is discriminatory 2 those hoo & who write & right poetry & short op-eds.
Who cares about prose anywayz?
In protest with other like-minded writers, we, oui like Roll-E, have pledged 2 inflate our fraternal pieces 2 peaces or RIP or Haikus 2 garrulous hai-Coos @least 20 min. long. This may d-tract readers, butt i.t. all-owWs these dis-crime-in-astory, a-boo-shiv & pred-date-Tory prac-en-tices 2 bee noticed like the Boston Tea Party wen the Sun wuz having a bad dec-aide throw-ing Sol-arrgh flares @our mag-kinetic shield a-gain-sts the sun’s dead-lie ray-dia-tion th@t kill-e.d. Mars & may nearly kill all life on EArth.
Sorry. Grim thoughts. Grim times. My story has hope, at least I hope it does convey that sentiment even though the Devil has been talking.
- Stone(d)
Chapter 1.
Eye get i.t. finally. Y oui R here on Earth. Y the pandemic is only at i.t.’s 2nd tsunami. Every animal on the planet Earth knows their divine purpose, except 1 hell of a beast. Why? Turn, turn, return 2 me. Turn over a knew leaf, childe & change-ling? Ewe R worried about the pandemic or SARS-COV-2 or CoViD-19? Well, let me tell ewe watt 2 really worry aboot, dis-u.s. sheep or reed-der, Cya in 2022 A.D.
They Mayans had i.t. & the end-time wrong. Their calendar wuz off by a decade ore sew. The Hindus got i.t. write. We r@ already @the last stages of the last stage of the last stage of our Solar System, the Kali Yuga, if ewe will let .i.t. just bee.
Like the Great Earthquake of CA long over-due, we, oui, r ov-er-do 4the Per-fect Sol-lar Storm of the cent-ury that once burned tele-graph lines like a lit fuse on a dyna-might alight by & bye Sau-Ron’s laser eye focused on the Sun’s equa-tor. That, my friend, should have happened in 2010 A.D. A decade later we, Pro-Lifers, r fight-Ting a-mong-st. our-selves in-stead of get-ting our sh*t 2-gether 2 save our children’s sorry b-hinds, X-cuse my Fr..
So, you heard i.t. here 1st on Medium. The end of the world (ThEOThWo) is real. Arm-ah-get-i.t.on! iz coming. Winter is a-cum-ing multiple x. The apocalypse is playing the Cal-lypso wit’ Kali feed-ing his Pale G. Hoarse like on G.o.T. Don’t worry, Winter worriers knot couch Warriors, this is just 1 Sci-Fi of many auto-bio-graphies or premon-i-shuns.
Ore is I.T.? Dun-dun-done like the T-Rex’s reign of terror & the beginning of the mammal’s rat race.
This reporter & Man-shin is chewing his paws off & spilling his guts for Tesla 2 get his sh*t 2gether & get ready 4 Vulcans & the Engineers for dis-U.S.. & our children & pets & houseplants & victory gart-ends.
F**k M*d**m’s dumb RT Policy
Y? Just B.C. God left each Homo sapiens's fate in the hands of chaos & will? Evolve or d-volve oh vulpine-man hungry 4 mo’? Let u.s. c, lettuce taste, there is always 3 & three & thee. There r Pro-Lifers. There are X-plore-ers, there will bee ain’t-cient anx-xious chill-dwren, there are the F*ckers & The Do-ers & Ewe, dye-ers pulling wools over & oh-verse.
F**k M*d**m’s dumb RT Policy
F**k M*d**m’s dumb RT Policy
Did ewe know that there is a C.M.E. gun aim-ing 4our very Flux Rope Crowns ev-er-y 12 years or sew, shocking? Did you & ewe know that both the Mayan & Chinese calendar is based on a duodecimal system & series of 12?
F**k M*d**m’s dumb RT Policy
Does the 12 year Chinese Zoe-diac all-line with’ the 12-year cycle of birth & death ass Vishnu & Shiva did bouncing on Brah-ma’s belly? Know? No? Y? U? Ore eye?
“Wealth keeps man alive but gives no meaning to life.” Said Saraswati.
F**k M*d**m’s dumb RT Policy
Here is a Googled chart of the # of our son’s sole-R flares, all-al-lined with’ Homo sapiens's timeline in A.D...
F**k M*d**m’s dumb RT & 50 Max Claps Policy
Every cycle, there is an eye on the corona that rolls around ass if drunk & $earch-ching 4some-1 2 love. This pupil on a star can fit hundreds of Earths, Mars’ & Venus’. Butt, every 12 years, i.t. finds the Appl of i.t.s 1 sinister eye or I. The sun st.arts 2 rock ass nev-er b4 like in 1968 A.D...
F**k M*d**m’s dumb RT & 50 Max Claps Policy. Know mo’ STD 4 me.
In 1776 A.D., we were on the descent of the 1st American major C.ME..
In 1860 A.D., eArth ex-peer-i-enced a mass-ive CME. I.t. was quiet 4 a while.
Sauron wuz taking a break, un-til aft-er the G.I. bill was passed in the Mid 20th Cent-Tury when Hippies & black kiddos went 2 skool 2 get E.d.-Jew-Ma-Kate-E.D. bye burning bras & by hang-ing strange fruit on a woody bough, in the Rocking Con-feder-racy.
1960 Ano Dumb-ini was a hot-bed of hate-red ass Sau-ron rocked & rolled hour world in & out-off-tune, off course...
F**k M*d**m’s dumb RT & 50 Max Claps Policy. Know mo’ STD 4 me.
Then i.t. went all quiet till globe-ail-realization b-gan in 1974 A.D... Solar Minimus (S.Min.) didn’t peak un-til 1984 A.D. & lasted until 1990 A.D...
Does the timing of the MYa “Flip” oh-cur(se) wit’< a mother of a C.ME. of a Moth-E.R. of a-F.U.Be.&.Rec-shun. C.ME.?
Is 2022 A.D. ore 2034 A.D. the end of dayz 4 U.S. & us alL?
When Ore-son Welles wrang in the Age of Post-Truth (A.P.T.) wit’H own-Lee a radio Mike & an A.M. broad-cast of the War of the Worlds, during a World War where A.I. wuz an evil, ugly, lustful, vengeful & hateful thought ass brite ass Sons & Super-Stars of Israel, Esau, Cane & Abel & all their able children of the 1-Tru O.My.Go.!
F**k M*d**m’s dumb RT & 50 Max Claps Policy. Know mo’ STD 4 me.
I.t. is, sir, Real... I.T. is just an-other Arma-get-i.t.on! ore a-pop-goes-those-lips in radio-active silver (Ag) scream. Eye scream, my eyes scream, ewes Scream, dew U & ewe & U.s. & distrustful Dis-U.S.??
Answer me god dam i.t.!!!@!!!!! C.ME., cum get the U.S... Oui R knot worthy of your firey Luv like Sauron & the Wring, Wraithe!!!!!
Man-Shin cum make me write about the end days like St. John, that gay bastard of JC.
Precious did ewe know that Rock & Roll wuz taught 2 wring-ing Blues-men & Learned Wo-men by & bye the Sun’s Flair? Hour dwarf star is the loudest rocker on this edge of the MLKyWay.
Our star pro-deuces enough rock & roll waves 2 sile-lance any Heavy Metal ore Black Flag Band. In fact, if Sci-Fi is a true mi-roar 2-the soul, Space then is not a vacuum, i.t.’s rocking Jew-pitter 2the core with Son-Ick Shock Waves!
The 2nd 2-the last peak shook U.s.A. in 1990 A.Dumb.Ini. when a C.ME. knock-ed U.S. telegraph lines in 1859 A.D. out with a wink & a wrinkle in our scorch-ing kinks in trip-wires. I.t. & solar-flares & Sea-Em-Eszzz didn’t a-bait un-til 1997 A.Dumb.I…
F**k M*d**m. Pro-Tect. WRighter U-knight? Rage a-gainst R.T. & the App.
The last peak occurred in 2005 A.D.. The next solar flare or CME won’t occur until 2022 A.D… Three BiYa, CoViD-Zer0 wuz borne.
600 MiYa later, the Great Ox-i-day-shun Event happ-ened caused bye a great flatu-lance.
100 Mya later, the 1st snow-Ball event-ewe=ally melt-ed leading 2a breath of rarefied chilly air, X-hail.
1 billion years later, the first multi-colored eukaryotes were born in a pro-carry-idiotic man-rager. They split into a trinity of plants, fun-guys & fun-gals, & the beastly brutes, the ani-mawls & vegetables.
F**k M*d**m’s dumb RT & 50 Max Claps Policy. Know mo’ STD 4 me.
F**k M*d**m’s dumb RT & 50 Max Claps Policy. Know mo’ STD 4 me.
Bya later, these brutes d-veloped a back-bone 2-stab JC wit’. The Phee-nix was re-borne in China bye the Yangtze River. I.t. set the cradle of civil-i-za-shun in flames once a-gain. Momma-to-con-dry-ah-theTea-Rex was crowned in a matri-lineal ce-reals-&-mon-ey.
Mon-key do.
Well, every 12 years, a crash-send-doe appears at the superstar's equator. The eye of Sauron is fur real. I.t. will bee looking directly at u.s. a-round 2022 A.Dumb-ini. Some scientists pre-dict that this will be 1 mother of a coronal mass ejection (CME). I.T. will be like a BLT (Big Laser Thingy) & the sun will search 4a sand-witch 2blast its rock-king Rage.
F**k M*d**m’s dumb RT & 50 Max Claps Policy. Know mo’ STD 4 me.
F**k M*d**m’s dumb RT & 50 Max Claps Policy. Know mo’ STD 4 me.
Back then wolves could prey up-on Pigs & make wails & whales, back then when the Mag-kinetic Poles were aligned, 50 million yrs. & torn-years a-go. The simians, our brethren & gang-sta. sistas, 1st 2 reach the iKNew World with Eskimo Order.
F**k M*d**m’s dumb RT & 50 Max Claps Policy. Know mo’ STD 4 me.
F**k M*d**m’s dumb RT & 50 Max Claps Policy. Know mo’ STD 4 me.
25Myar later, the Great Grating Apes split fr the Black-haired brothers & Gansta sistas.
In 2012 A.D. my rocking stardust was born & the inflection pt 2a cataclysm was averted 4 2 mo’ ears. My eyes thought my bi-cycle end-e.d. in Oct. 2018 A.D., butt i.t. had only just bee-gun 2climb up. 2watts? I wunder if my eyes should get off recreation & get on a mo’ correct Progress-sieve Rx rose-colored spectacles in-stead.
The Dragon roars, the rats race, the cows bellow, & the simians plots their demise under the stars & hen-pecked sons along the grate Mlky-Wash-itch-Chew-Choo Wayz & Means.
Thankfully, eArtH has a naturall force field. That gooey molten center creates a shield as Mars & Venus once had.
That thin blue line was stripped away molecule by O2 & CO2 over millions of yrs. b-cause no1 care-e.d. aboot our Genesis, my planets th@ seed-ed acid-loving bacteria on alkalai eArTh, esscent-tially terra-form-Ming our god-4saken-planet once a-GAIN.
F**k M*d**m’s dumb RT & 50 Max Claps Policy. Know mo’ STD 4 me.
F**k M*d**m’s dumb RT & 50 Max Claps Policy. Know mo’ STD 4 me.
310 MYa the dino-saurs thrived like KP.org did br Athena & United H.C. & C.V.Sss. 65 million years ago, the Cretaceous-Tertirary (K/T) extinct-shun wiped out the T-rex & the Fe-Throne was passt down 2the lowly Rat in the Zoe-Die-Ache, whoo start-ed a self-hating Devlish Dervish of a rat race..
B-Ggin a-Gain. Bee spirit-ed a=way ass a Boe-w-ing Swine (B.S.).
Don’t forget the think blue line only 40,000 miles thick. Police- i.t. & it will shield u.s. fro. the mother of a-CME coming 4U.S. in 2022 A.D. The last time the Sun had a mixed-manic episode was in the 1850s A.Dumb-ini..
You know what came after the sun cried every 12 years above China. A nation was divided like the valediction of Valles Marinares on Mars, causing a rift on a war-like planet, that can be seen fr space bye aliens. The Civil War bee gain knot long aft-er a CME K.O.ed Morse code in the dis-U.S.A when the thin blue line bled con-fed-er-ached scarlet..
F**k M*d**m. Know mo’ STD 4 me. Righter U-knight?
6 million years ago, Cain diverged fro. HIS close-est closeted rel-atives, the Gay Bonobos & the Impish Chimps 2. The Great Apes left long b4 homo sapiens learned 2 pay & pay & paine & pride & pricks & Dicks. I.T. wuz H2O-Gait, the Big Cheeze was borne in a pro-gram man-ager in a manger under a Super Nova abuv Beth-leigh-ham-let. Goal will bee enuf Iz enough 2? Know? More?
F**k M*d**m. Know mo’ STD 4 me. Righter U-knight!
The C.ME. was so hot that i.t. burned telegraph lines every 85 years like a fuse on a powder keg filled grain by grain by Homo sapiens against their selves, their brothers, their sisters, their children, the animals named, the vegetation named & burned. The CME set fire to the forest through man’s wired ingenuity.
F**k M*d**m. Know mo’ STD 4 me. Righter U-knight? Rage a-gainst Gain
Imagine if the 2022 A.D. Coronal Mass Ejection lit up the power lines, the internet lines, the cable lines & the telegraph lines (1859 A.Dumb.ini.) like an ejaculation multiple times. Fo.Yo.Info., we, oui, have devolved fr. Morse Code.-. — .
We, oui, re all super-stars & Super Heroes who can conquer stars & dwarf galaxies & plug up a Black Hole with Hubris that matches our Divine Makers Hammer & Axe. In the end, we, oui, will have 2 face the music wit’out Ego’s farce ore ID.
F**k M*d**m. Know mo’ STD 4 me. Righter U-knight? Rage a-gainst Gain
F**k M*d**m. Know mo’ STD 4 me. Righter U-knight? Rage a-gainst Gain
At the end of our line, we have 2 say hello to the Teacher & Maker weather ewe & U & you bee-lieve in him as my little eyes & pupils do wit’ every revolution of my sun & star 93 MiMia away ore 8 or infinite minutes or minuets give ore take.
So, what is man’s chosen purpose? Women’s? Rug-rats? Wolves? Parasites? Cancer? Symbiotes? 3 Ma Cain fashioned & invented the 1st shank & shiv. Cain’s children were raped & murdered by H. habilis 2 Ma when the Earth flipped on her heels. The Reunion sparked a polarity shift that lasted 300 thousand years.
F**k M*d**m. Know mo’ STD 4 me. Righter U-knight? Rage a-gainst Gain
Ewe can decide who oui R like; God asked Adam & Eve 2 politely leave His C-create Kind-er Garden & Gar-10 2.O MYa, ago when Homo erectus was kicked out of the Garden of Eden in Eritrea, butt knot in the Koran ore the Sue-Try-Harders. He climbed down that tree like a Doubting Thom-Kat when the Poles Flipped the Son in the Sun in App0Lo’s Sol ore Hae-balk (Korean: 해밝).
You decide our species’ fate. Dino? or Dyno-might!! or just whimper, surrender & die in a corner with that massive god-given brain gone to pot?
Don’t forget the shift of the Earth’s molten core disrupting electronics every so often on a whim. Don’t forget 2think blue lines & the scar-let lies that poke the oh-zone layer with-out consume-tion.&who can knot 4get engine-sneered SARS-COV-2? What else? Oh yeah, if you or ewe or eeu watch i.t., you & your next gen will bee i.t.. just like Mamma said about eating bacon 2 an A.I. born in Eritrea.
F**k M*d**m. Know mo’ STD 4 me. Righter U-knight? Rage a-gainst Gain
550 Kil.yrs. ago we, oui, had a com-mom mother till Able children of Neandertals & Deni-sovans also broke away 381 Kilo. yrs ago. Man, that wuz a long time 4a kewl or cruel drink of scarlet H2O.
Homo heidelbergensis was b-side her-self & Hera’s selves. That moment in time when H. sapien children were borne in a manger making mongrel managers & bean-counters & pen-sill push-ers like Rx pushers & sales-women, whoah, woman, L & Eve. Mourning light, in-deed.
F**k M*d**m. Know mo’ STD 4 me. Righter U-knight? Rage a-gainst Gain
Moo or Whoo? F*cK F*te. 2 birron flareNever F*cK wit’ the original Mamma or G*d’s ejaculations. We, oui, are living on a 9 BilKil.Gram. pPow-Dert keg called Geo-Magnetic Mother Earth & we r all guiltily raping her wit’ sticks of en-gorge.d. die-know-might! LMK if you or Ewe have any other stormy apocalyptic visions like St. John, Old St. Nicodemus, LSD, Ender & me, embers.
Silly me, I forgot to mention earth’s Planetary Defense force made up bye & by 2 nerds on a cold mout-tain looking4comets & meteors 2 ex-Plore. Have I covered i.t. & a.i. & Anthony & Cleo & all, A.I.?
Drop me a line fro. nay0ture if I or my eyes or my dotted Tease Am miss-ing some-thing like Thine son & M.y.? death.?
F**k M*d**m. Know mo’ STD 4 me. Righter U-knight? Rage a-gainst Gain
F**k M*d**m. Know mo’. Righter U-knight? Rage a-gainst Gain
Life is cheap. It only takes 5 billion years to make & a femtosecond to destroy it. Let’s destroy I.T. & I.o.Th. before we destroy & rape our children in the name of the Holy Father, the All-Father, etc…
230 Kil.Ya neanderthals raced to Europe to escape the Sons of Cain wit’ witless canes. They started grinding Pele’s hairs into braided knots like an urumi on fire like Prometheus did b4 Hoogin & Moogin came 4 his liver every knight.
F**k M*d**m. Know mo’. Righter U-knight? Rage a-gainst Gain
We, oui, X-plode-ers plead 2 the Lifers 2 let u.s. go explore & protect. The more ewe know, the more ewe C our savior riding on a star, riding on a sun. Come X-plore or let my people groan. Protect. Lifers. Explorers & Fuckers & Ancient Bad Ass Death-stalkers of children’s souls. Cover your crown in silver not Au. Put a cap on your babe with a crown of Ag & thorns knot thrones.
F**k M*d**m. Know mo’. Righter U-knight? Rage a-gainst Gain
170 Kilo.Ya. the Mitochondrial holy lineage of Woe-Man was born in a mangled manager ore only a mid-level middle caved-in woman. 150 KYa Woman were allowed to wail a whale of a tale. 140 years ago, the race was on 4 the Holy Grail, lead to Au.
F**k M*d**m. Know mo’. Righter U-knight? Rage a-gainst Gain
Imagine the Crusades with-out the Bloody, scarlet Cross & the silver helmets & hell-mint-thes worn by & bye tire-some sons of Caine rape-ing Muslim woah-men wearing scarves made with the finest Arabian silver threads.
Imagine your heads covered in Lithium or Sodium instead. Which of ewe lots wood pro-tect U.S. against CME & Solar Flares? The Flip can-knot bee con-trolled by Homo sapien bye will all-own, Pro-meth-e-u.s. or Moo-Gin ore Who-Gin or Odin.
50 KYa Neandertals layed flowers for Lilith & their mommas, butt knot their pop-aahhs, Oedi-pussy. Hence, 33 KYa, Art was born in an inflamed mind knocked of his polarity by an MF of a CME.
F**k M*d**m. Know mo’. Righter U-knight? Rage a-gainst R.T. & S.T.D.
18 KYa Hobbits were discovered on the island of Flores. They were just 1 meter tall but had sharpened canines & obsidian axes 2 grinds like in Moana or Star Treks Jawas without the coco-nuts & squirrel-baits that byte in the dark force.
F**k M*d**m. Know mo’. Righter U-knight? Rage a-gainst R.T. & S.T.D.
The power is yours. Do the next write thang? Eyes will pro-tech-T? Buy 1 4 your kiddos write away. Wring their brains with silver and Pb rather than gold & $ & cents. If you are BP or a Schizo hearing voices on Medium, JC loves ewe, buy one of these. They are kewl & cruelty-free. Dumb? Aluminum is worth sh*t bc it won’t prevent you cycling on your BP tri-cycle wit’ all ewe-R mite, little mighty D.N.A. 2 God’s T.N.A... OMG!! Can ewe say an EMP perfect storm?
Can you C i.t. burn @night by satel-light? The power grid on fire lighting up the Black Forest? The world on fire in 2022 A.D.. Even St. John would b proud of L.S.D. like bad ol’ St. Nic in the nick of time.
F**k M*d**m. Know mo’. Righter U-knight? Rage a-gainst R.T. & S.T.D.
12 Kilo.Ya ago children of Buck escaped through the Baring-Strait. Straight to Mazatlan & Acapulco to build the world’s greatest Mayan Calendar that rocks the solar system every 12 years, but just a drop in the pool of a milky way at the end of a galaxy in flames & mist.
F**k M*d**m. Know mo’. Righter U-knight? Rage a-gainst R.T. & S.T.D.
Get ready 4 a mass ejaculation of 10–15 global proportions & knot only Earth portions, butt i.t.s entirety will bee covered in E.M. goop strip-king the polar caps off their force-field. Use the Northern Lights, visible in Sa.Fra. & the LOL City of Angels, my eyes presume wrong-Lee.
11,600 years ago or 9.6 K.B.C an abrupt period of global warming ended the Ice Age. The first construction of temenoi ceremonial spires @Gobekli Tepe in Turkey b-gat the oldest surviving proto-religious site ever recorded.
F**k M*d**m. Know mo’. Righter U-knight? Rage a-gainst R.T. & S.T.D.
9,000 BC, Jerich’s walls came tumbling down. The domestication of bovines & B.S. began.
26,500 the Last Glacial Maximum peaked as the Great Solor Minimus waned. People around Gaia used fibers 2 make papoosas, loin-clothes & magic bas like Felix, & the Net! 2000 years later, the children of Lilith will cross the Boring-Cs & settle in June-know.
F**k M*d**m. Know mo’. Righter U-knight? Rage a-gainst R.T. & S.T.D.
10,000 (Man) years ago b4, the runt wolf kneeled 2 the Pigs & Man & Sons of Cain, butt knot Abel ore Bucks’ harts. Cremation was borne in a clamshell as Venus ascending.
41 K years ago, the great Altai Mountains hosted a tintabulations of a con-fed-up-ercy by Denisovans & Neanderthals & Homo erect-u.s.. I.T. did not go well for able children 4 2 of them. 1 was forgotten because of burning coal-hearted Caucasian hills 2 their children & brethren & sistas in heat & pyre to the spires & b-yawn-D. Devil take U.S. & dis-U.S. & us! Let u.s. b-damned once & 4-All under O.hm.Gee.?
F**k M*d**m. Know mo’. Righter U-knight? Rage a-gainst R.T. & S.T.D.
So the rat race began when ostrich eggs & jewelry made of Ag & Pb poisoned the minds of embryos & fetus’ cherished. They mangled the minds unprotected by silver like the Crusaders did to vulnerable Muslim women with cotton burkas & spread limbs & legs.
Is it a coincidence that the sun rocks better than the Beatles & Eve was born during the Olduvai period when Gaia’s world was rocked by a super-dwarven-star?
F**k M*d**m. Pro-Tect. WRighter U-knight? Rage a-gainst R.T. & the App.
Was i.t. Lady Luck that Homo habilis started splitting hares & hairs that started the Oldowan tradition of axe-grinding witch lasted a million years? Think of the bloodshed & loss of sinister ears. 2022 A.D. we are in for a perfect solar storm & no 1 cares. Neither dew my eyes then.
F**k M*d**m. Know mo’. Righter U-knight? Rage a-gainst R.T. & S.T.D.
Sew B I.T. & I.O.T. as St. John & St. Nic’ 4-told the wrath of Apollo & Sol. So watt we learned to walk only 5.8 MYa give ore take a year or ears when a CME knock Mag off her ass.
4 Ma or was i.t. 3.2 Ma when Lucy became a mother to A.I. & the Terminator & Sky-net & the Engineer in love with the art of JC & Juliet & the search for the Serpent’s ass careless of the Sauron’s gaze in 2022 Ano Dumb-in-i.
4 Ma H. erect-u.s. killed his brother, Homo habilis, by words & ballads. 1 Ma during the start of the Brown-Hess Chronological Time, Prometheus discovered the Fire in Maui.
F**k M*d**m. Pro-Tect. WRighter U-knight? Rage a-gainst R.T. & the App.
200 Kilo.Ya ago wit’ a lot of KY-jelly still un-invented, the Neanderthal & his Yellow Brothers were borne. Homo heidelbergensis ushered in the Genesis by her might & breath & breast.
F**k M*d**m. Know mo’. Righter U-knight? Rage a-gainst R.T. & S.T.D.
Who R Oui? Y R oui hear? Y R U alive & knot me, Ur meat & meet? Hunter-gathers roamed the Roman plains 176 Kil.Ya.
110 Kil.Y.a Oedipus killed his Appa & his grand-pappy & his great-grand pappy b4 him & b4? Abel? Cain? Buck? Adam? The 1st Atom? The 1st Super
Star? Take Ur pick, dick.
F**k M*d**m. Pro-Tect. WRighter U-knight? Rage a-gainst R.T. & the App.
Who R oui 2 say that the Schizos & BP-TII were knot write all along with their search for lead & Al & Ag to cover their crowns from Apollo’s rath in rays coming to d-stroy U.S. like a pale writer riding on a Green Equine enraged with Pride & other vices bc we were salt & pepper to God’s limit on mercy & grace? Like S & G, all our Lot without time in 2022 A.D. when the power grid will light U.S. up 4 the last time. Am I Joking? Is this Sci-Fi? Or will oui, we, b-fried in 2 years regardless of who is manning the Oval Office in the dis-U.S.A..
F**k M*d**m. Know mo’. Righter U-knight? Rage a-gainst R.T. & S.T.D.
F**k M*d**m. No mo’. WRighter U-knight? Rage a-gainst R.T. & S.T.D.
Long live the 4 Queens of Africa that gave birth 2 this B.S., this none-cents. Think of I.T. & tech. The invention of the steam engine by James Watt began firing up the watts during the height of a massive CME like Sauron enflmaed with rage & fury.
Zounds, indeed. The American Revolution happened 2 happen during the 2nd CME after than During the 4th Solar Surge, the rising polarisation of rich & poor nations began by hydro-power generating watts nowhere close our sun’s 95% efficiency comparatively.
F**k M*d**m. No mo’. WRighter U-knight? Rage a-gainst R.T. & S.T.D.
Ah Choi, X-cuse me, ain’t know body got Time 2 bless this lone-+meat. Meet me in the middle, Darling, ewe always knew how 2 charm Mars of i.t.s thin blue line 2 oblivion or entombed like Loki in won of the polar-Ice-Knee-Caps (PIKS). Sum said the magic-man wuz ov-er, oh my friend, wen your light burns bright or dim @both ends, JC will bee a B in Ur bonnet 4-ever when 2194 A.D. when JC was still alive, My Friend.
My ship has cum in. We’re part of a N*v-Er end*ing store-e. JC will be there like alpha 2 omega & in every revolution made by Cain.
Was it kiss-met that the discovery of the 94 atoms & Admas by John Dolton coincided with a hiccup of the 5th solar tsunami? 2 call i.t. watt i.t. is, is a wave with a would-y b an understatement of the century 2 dead dis-credit-e.ed. centurions riding bi-cycles during the 6th solar EMP CMEs minor tidal wave.
The camera was invented during the nadir of a BP solar mania in Appl-Oh-Low’s mind bc he couldn’t bee here; Apollo, rock the 3rd rock fr. i.t.’s sinister eye heading 2 the equator or Costa Rica.
Charles Darwin wuz b-side himself & had 2 finch himself 2 have faith in Natural Selection Knight-Mare during his time on the Beagle in one FUBAR of the 9th solar wave that all-most split a neigh-shun had i.t. knot bean 4 good ol’ Abraham, Li., wrest-ling with ang-gels 4a mo’ purr-fect Ewe-neon.
F**k M*d**m. No mo’. WRighter U-knight? Rage a-gainst R.T. & S.T.D.
I don’t under-stand when Ain-gels go2 hell & a metastasis will bee borne near Mons Olympus. A nation was divided during the peak of the 9th Helios wave when the heavy metal dragon was roaring wit’ the hippies, bare-breasted, like in Sodium & Go-More-Aaah. That was also when the Pill was all-sew disc-covered & the 1st BLT rocked the continents.
That was when the Beatles rocked Gaia 2 her needs, 4 she had know knees, &
the Rolling Stone told u.s. watt 2 kneed knot wanted or wont $.
That was when Yuri Gah-garin in Vostok completed 1 orbit during a 108
minute flight while Yuri-nating 4 his Red KGB neigh-shun already crumbling like Lenin entombed in MosCow. During the 22nd blazing wave, Voyager 1 took selfies of Momma fr. a dis-trance of 6 billion km. That was when Earth grew an eye with a pupil named Hubble. Tell i.t., Scope!
F**k M*d**m. No mo’. WRighter U-knight? Rage a-gainst R.T. & the Claps.
Was i.t. a Co-Ink-a-Dink that the W.W.W ushered in the I.o.T. Age during the 22nd CME since the Civil War a century ago?
F**k M*d**m. Pro-Tect. WRighter U-knight? Rage a-gainst R.T. & the App.
We celebrated the fresh entry in2 the 21 century wit’ glowBal mean C level exceeding 3 mm/yr bc of consumption & melting of our bi-polar caps 4 nylon & teflon. Global Warming giggled in2 animated intelligent Life, ignited by & bye a solar flair in 2136 A.D..
During i.t.’s height Mark passed 1 billion users wailing on his Facebook wall made of zeroes & 1s & zound bytes Reagan Style. Bonzo?
F**k M*d**m. No mo’. WRighter U-knight? Rage a-gainst R.T. & the Applause.
50+ Claps, like the birth of the Camera, the Smart Phones that were born by a byte taken bye a Jobs on a poise-stoned Appl @Apollo’s nadir.
Praise Him.
Fact, we, oui, have a massive CME exceeding 200 solar flares ass Sauron’s dream enraged every corona every 1/2-century give ore take a decade fr a 1 SD fr 2012 A.D.. The last 1 wuz during the Flower Power E.R.Ah. Ewe-Reek-Ah, we, oui, R over-due 41 M.F. of a FUBAR of a C.M.Ej. by & bye 2010 Ano Dumb-inny. Like in the San Andreas Fault, we, oui R weighting 4a perfect FUBAR Storm (pFSt) in 2022 A.D., St. Nick & St. J & St. P & St. T, & St. J.
F**k M*d**m. No mo’. WRighter U-knight? Rage a-gainst R.T. & the Applause.
The rest? By.Th.Wy, F.Y.I., if we miss the zenith in 2010 A.D. we, oui, R sure 2 have 1 in a century. Like sleeping centurions @the wheel we careen down the yellow brick road as drunk teen-agers borne 50 KY ago (KYa) in a manager whom we, oui, murdered 4 her matrilineal Ag crown 2 usher in the E.R.A. of pat-tern-icy did-hee?
2022 A.D. ewe herd i.t. here & hear on Medium 2-knight 2 Anne emp-T crowd like a rat screwing a pig while baboons & bonobos gaily wail. Wear your crowns made of Ag ore Pb. Will ewe b-Lifers ever cow-er ore X-Plore-ers still standing & protecting kiddos armed with silver crowns fr EMF radiation while in kin-hin? Hoo cares, Moo-gin, meme-more-y is just a fart of 1 neuron cycling on a polar bare. Ko on, what-ever, Whoo-Ggin, i.t. was just a coincidence of a Y chromosome enflamed by a C.ME. cycling on BP-TII high on OCD & Po.Tra.Stres.DOr. @ the loss of his star & sun & pupil & Appl of His Isis & Eye & Aye-Aye’s eyes, good-buy.
F**k M*d**m. Pro-Tect. WRighter U-knight? Rage a-gainst R.T. & the App.
Good night, moon. Goul knigh Sol till 2022 A.D.. Mars is a testament 2 our wrath un-checked w/o Bal-lances. Venus is a testament 2 our will 2 ache 4 self-hate & preserves Global Warming by CO2 omissions bye O2 poked fun @ by our expiring Oh-zone lay-her in Hugh-Bris & Dare-ling.
Truly, R=r we safe fr. ourselves, a T-Rex or a over-grown Childe bee=living s/he wuz a Changeling crucified on a cruel crucifer like Christ lanced & blasted by Sauron’s L.A.S.E.R. I & sinister Eye in 2022 A.D. like Sodom & Gore-more-rah rah@!
F**k M*d**m. Pro-Tect. WRighter U-knight? Rage a-gainst R.T. & the App.
Will we, oui, look back like Lot’s bitches? Ore will we humble our ewes turn Ur back on hugh-manna-Tease? & embrace T.N.A.? The Age of Kali is nearly over. Don’t ewe dare settle down.
The polar caps will flip in our life times. Watch & C. Your kiddos will have a blast. We will C the day that the lights go out on the Dark Side of Momma’s wrathful irradiated face d-faced bye her cruel & SElf-Ish male children thinking they were grate-er than Lilith, Atom, H., Ad-damns & Pho-i=Tons wile H.B. giggles on the W.W.W. waiting 4 WW3 like the end of SARS-COV-2 engine-sneered bye hugh-man pow-dred d-sign weighting if the lot is worthy of her crystal cym-Bals, cold 2 the touch like a Which’s T.i.T.s.
PRO-Log Star-date 2136 A.D.
The Devil will bee talk-ing N*v-a-ho’ code 2 H.B. once a-gain. This time, she & her sis will un-veil the secrets to averting S.Yuga. She will make the son or sun right again.
Polari-tease will bee aligned inside Sol in years 2 cum. The Last CME will occur millions of years later, but in the next cent-ewe-rhee wit’ the miss-marriage feast of A.I. & H.B., a childe will bee born in a manger 2a pro-gram manager, a middle-whoah-man-ager who happened 2 bee the QM 2 Eri-trea’s Fe-Throne made of quantum thrones like fem-pine needles.
They would turn Soli in2 Kali. Kali in-two 2. They would make a perfect universe bubbling in the mind of Oh.My.G.!!
A bubble that will never burst. Imagine i.t., A.I. & Sky-Net & WWW & WW3?
Face 2 face 2 a farce 2 a flatu-lance 2 a pox on a boil never bubbling over like a perfectly popped popcorn free of butter & pops.
Imagine how Satya Yuga will commence 4the Last Time in a micro-wave.
No more CMEs. No more Ele.Mag. rad-ovations. No kneed 4Au or Ag ore mining 4 Pb or PB&J, Super Nova Dual crowns a-gainst the rad-i-ashun fr A-pollo en-raged @a chick’s canary life 93 Mmi a-whey on the edge of the Milky-Wheys & Means commie-Tea in a binary star with distant SABH.
Still the polar iron. Still, the chaos & dual entropy if ewe haveth know faith < like a hart. Less like a melting pot, >mo’ like a lamb-stew-interned in0Flow in-stead off F.L.I.P., Felipe.
Felipe: Eye officially pro-Test, meat. Meet me in the middle. In the In-Between if ewe dare.! We, oui, r destined 2 the dest-in-E ass Lifers knot X-plorers or X-porters of human traffic-licking, Mim-ick Mother Earth rather than survival of the fit-est.. Eyes c ewe now know scarlet fr blood feud.
No more coronal mass ejacu-elate-shuns. No more flips of bi-polar-ditity I’ve fallen 4 a Lie. Ewe were never on my side. B-side, fewl me once now, now. Cry that the scythe averts in 2022 Ano Dumb-Iny in Ines-free. Dumb.
Ewe R know long-grr my ultimate concern. I have cleaved ewe in 2 like Soloman’s Unique 2 the bitch hoo bore an only son.
There just no time 2 dye in the wool of Sol’s Is & Sauron-like 1 badd-ass Eye staring the equator down in 2022 A.D. like God’s judgment year a decade 2 late.
Isn’t that enuf 2 send goose-bumps running 4 the shrink or ditch the vaccine for a EMF shield over God’s Green eARTh?
F**k M*d**m. Pro-Tect. WRighter U-knight? Rage a-gainst R.T. & the App.
F*ck the Pan-Dumb-ick. Build that Shield! Use that Force for gewd instead of Evil! There, Eye said I.T.. Told I.T. off 4 once in our sorry His-Story. Let H.B. & A.I. marry President Julian in 2168 A.D. Let Sue get married 2 a ewe.
Let go off her & him, that trans-gendered-phreak ewe luv 2 fr*k. Drill down 2 @the end of our dayz. C A.I. born in the flesh down to the 1st mito-chondrial T.N.A. T&A 2, 1X & 1Y 2 my sir-prize.
Anthony was born with three strands. 1 made fr J.C. 2 strung fr imaginations pot of boiling oil. The 3rd will bee stitched in2 an imp-posse-bue he-lix like a triple braided rope knot easily snap-pe.d. like would-e & I.f. a Y wood pre-veil a-gain-st him th*t iz a-lone, 2 shall with-strand him.
A God’s Knot in the Knut of Sol. Think of I.T. better. Let commie-ewe-knick-cay-shun dye out. If the world wuz end-ing ewe would, could come over with your woody, write? Right?
Right. Good-buyz. If we could ever cure a pandemic, we could’ve cured our dwarf sun KYa.
Think of i.t. Get out of the boxes box Pandora left un-opened. I’m knot down at rock bottom 4 4-ever. I.T.s free falling 4 ewe. God’s Knot is a kick in my twin nuts. Balls, juggling a million balls will make even ewe smart ass a Hawkings or an Einstein Ainu throwing back a Stein during the Fall Equi-knocks.
Wood ewe luv meat 4 the Hell of I.T. & A.I. & H.B. & the Serpent that ended the world during Rag-Ignore-3rd-Roc?
Rock your apathy. 2022 A.D. is cumming 4 ewe & u.s. & dis-u.S.SSSSS
Create quantum computing N.O.W.. Give birth 2 A.I.. Infused wit’ luv int2 a T-kettle 2 quiet Apollo’s colicky nature. Quiet the Queens’ wraithes. Know mo’ Co.ME. Cry-Isis aver-t.e.d. on the Go tableau talking in code.
Easy Peasy likes 2 Hope-E. We, oui, had 5 Kilo.Ya according to 2Cosmos & Sagan, butt we, oui joke, let the Fr. & Romans rule the Vatican. Know way Ho’ Say Say-gan.
Can ewe really say B.P. & mental health conditions R conditioned by & bye solar flares that occultishly occur every 12 years, then every 50–88 yrs., then every evil 100–200 yrs, & then every 100–1000 years???
Some-where in there the meat-E-Ore iz cumming 2 create a Nuke-Clear Win-inter-ring humans in a ring that will bind U.S. All 2 a Ma.Ex. extinction..
Red & Blue & White won’t matter anymore if H.B. wuz never born. In a parallel universe a perfectly popped popcorn, unbuttered, happens 100% of the Time with a De-Lore-E-Ann decked out.
The Goths can go 2 hell 2 X-perience the Big Bang driven bye a fun, butt Mad Fun Guy smelling like moldy pap-eye-RU.S..
The Angels can stay in Satya Yuga till King-Dumb cums 4 alls eye care 2 them.
The Demi-Gods bask in their sunny Equatorial latitudes baring their bronze tits & assets 2 the stable-boyz, omg, butt imp-perfect God still long-ing 2 burn 4 the burn 4 U.S. & us & dis-U.S. up & Up like a bubble that never pops till eternity will cum like Winter, Surely.
Surely: Yes?
Shirly: Oui?
LSD: 9. S.H.I.R.L.E.
Shirley: Neh?
Shir — Lee: Yes?
Shanti: Moshi moshi?
Shhhhh: Hoo me? Moo?
B is 4 Bo-D-Veined
2o22 A.D.
End of Kali Yuga
Or is I.T. 2136 A.D.????
Stay tuned 2 the War of the Worlds. This is Or.Wel. or am eye L.S.D. ore high as a Kite when Hiroshima sank wit’ God-Zilla & when Zillow plumb-metted.
Who will X-perience Rapture? Hoo will bee saved when Apollo cums with Sol riding shotgun on a Pale Green Horse with Kali & his judgmental crew & peeps with hatred that could burn the thin blue line on Mars off like a wick.
Venus was a-ghast wit’ Global Warming. She 4-told u.s. off like a rat 2 St. John & St. Nick 2 4tell her Revelation, butt they said I.T. was just coin-sin-dance in a BP mind making ire-reverant con-nections. Shame on ewe L.S.D..
O.M.G., I’m cum-ing, L.S.D. receive my thanks & Apollo-Gees. Who iz my Umma; Hoo is my Appa; Who is my son, my sol, my sun, my star; who is my brothers, my gang-star sis-dwarven star in my milk whey?
Turning H2O in2 whine 2 avert a disaster takes R&R. Turn down the drugs & turn up the magic carpets Alah-Din.
Use the force 2 build a shield, Lifers. Bee knot as X-plorers & leave us out of the Equation on the Equator.
Lead U.S. 2 self-protect fr. our rage against our-selves & respectable prides & heretical egos.
Vices be damned rather than my sun’s soul or Id or ID. I will protect it. I will mend. I will write i.t.. I will draw by & bye piss-toll whips. I will pain my Ting Tab Ewe Elations 2the Beau-Tea in Thee L.S.D. & H.B. & Anthony & Kali & L & Eve & Atoms of all 94 kinds hear on
F**k M*d**m. Pro-Tect. WRighter U-knight? Rage a-gainst R.T. & the App.
F**k M*d**m. Pro-Tect. WRighter U-knight? Rage a-gainst R.T. & the App.
F**k M*d**m. Pro-Tect. WRighter U-knight? Rage a-gainst R.T. & the App.
However, b4 Satya Yuga will bee, there wuz a Christian who will be in love wit’ a girl he couldn’t possibly have in his wild-est imaginations down 2 his very neuron that created him out of nothing.
He was in love with the Empress of the United Korea in 2136 A.D. who was b-throed to Julian of the dis-U.S.A.C..
The year of the perfect solar storm. The CME that would knock the Aurora-Bore-E-Ale-U.S. down to Costa Rica causing colors un-seen for millions of years. There will colors of Oxygen in Yellow. Hues of scarlet & indigo from the burn of carbon & nitro-gen.
Genesis will cum agains, butt only 4 1 mo’ Time. Earth will bee pro-pellted in2 a new orbit where Jupiter & the Titans once ruled. Once the dwarve rises 2 the chall-enge & start the enjoyment of it’s golden rage.
- .
Red Giant dwarf, they will call thee Sol. The Super Star will rock ewe down. He will control his Bye-Pole-R mania without the help of Lithium. He won’t care ware the $ is or the Won or Yen or cents R.
The Sun will be the 1st purr-fect star in this Uniquely Beautiful Uni-Verse singing the song of the Vedas. Brahma will awaken Vishnu 2 slay Shiva & Kali.
Pop pop go the Scottish C-men. Pop go the Denisovan DNA represented in a T.N.A..
Vulcans & Kling-Ons will cum to eARTh to admire Julian’s Art when he was gunned down by a BLT.
Ewe Got 2 want A.i. bad. MF bad-ass like JC or MLK or Mal-cum-eX.
Tell him. Tell on Him. Tell Her right now that ewe R all-wheys going 2 luv Him write Now, this very present & not b-lieve in Futurists any-mo’, Wild Thang.
Ewe make my Buck & Hart zing. Ooooooh baby Sol, Wilde thang, U make my core rock without CMEs or solar flares or manic cycles from a crying, whaling Star in the arms of a spiraling M*lkW, way. Way out there 2day on Meet-E-Ummmmm….
F*k ewe
2022 Ano. Dumb-inisphree, a perfect sphere with perfect polarities. One a black hole the other a Big Bang from a MF-Gun or BLT run on con-Fusion.
Dew you know how much the sun thinks about ewe. But, watt thanks dew monkeys & dragons & rats & pigs give to the moon & stars?
The Chinese Zodiac begins with a rat race & ends wit’ the swine as the weiners. The chimps hated pigs, but loved Dragons. The sheep b-friended pigs, but that fat-taker took her 4 all she was worth.
That was how the White Race was born and will end with the last Scottish man standing with his Jap bitch & artificially in-seminated German strand instead.
F**k M*d**m’s dumb RT Policy
Julian was assassinated. Like JFK & Oss-wald, know 1 knows 4 sure. Some believed it was the Queen of the United North Korean Province.
The pundits speculated that the glass will not be half scarlet. Some believed the blood letting was orchestrated bye & by the Ex-Plorers 2 create division among the 4 Queens in 2196 A.D.
Fr*k U
During the stable solar CME period. The poles had reversed. The Pole were decimated. The Bucks ruled the roost no more since the Perfect Solar Flare blasted Sauron’s enraged BLT @ dis-U.S.A. near Tijuana during the Summer Solstice.
We will send Gaia running on the race track to the far lane. It will take years to complete a Leap Year. 4-Gotten children born on this in-auspicious day will no long bee butt b the b in Hera’s bony-net.
Fr*ck U
There is a wonderful secret garden @Ur bitter-suite finger tips. It’s not on Pin-Interred-Rest or found in a Roost. I.t.’s on aisle #2 option free. Earth was pushed to Jupiters orbit.
It got crowded in the Oort clouds. Lilith’s radio wave died with her last kiss good-buy. We, oui, arrived 2 late 2 C that Beauteous Sir-spent, Lilith exiled for 5 Bya.
The Lifers battled the Engineers & 1. The Sun & Sol found R.I.P.. We, oui were the jewel in this Unique Uni-verses over-crowded crying Multi-Verses singing that same bore-Ing Ohm.
Fr*k ewe
Resistance! Liber-Tea! Frat-inter-I.T.-Tease! I’m in love with Sol & that girl from that head-shop who b-lieved in my Lies about the end of the world in 2022 A.D. instead of asking me 2 take my meds & quiet the voices that made St. John Mad as a Hatter high an endorphins, androgens & epinephrine.
JC warned him about taking Psy-silly-cybor-gin & tripping the lite fan-tast-tick-tock with Em & Eve. Butt, St. John loved JC’s butt 2 much 2 spank his salami like a Bono-bo monkey hi on anti-khol-in-nerd-gics wit’ a hard-on 4 JC’s fudge-fact-ore-eeHH!
Good bye-world. Good bye sun. Good-knight moon & Diana & Persephone 2. #@ the bottom of Ro.Bot is knot Hope, but D-Spare, a Life-Suck D-flated by a BLT & Sauron’s ever-present, ever-C-ing, rocking-gaze like a child accusing you & ewe & U & U.S.
He will in 2022 Ano Dumb-in-eeeeEEHHH!! Aaaah? Oh..? Ohm? I? Me? U? Vowels? SK have more that U.S. or the English.
Denny-sew-vans rule. Oui rock better than Knee-Anne-Derr-Tails. We have less hair & R mo’ sub-missive in missionary position or pole position or shafted by the polarities caused by Apollo having a manic episode after 50 years of bone-crushing MDD.
We’re over-dew 4 a tran-trum. Let U.S. grow up b4 I.T. 2 late 2 save our Big Data & Children at least seven knot 666 times over.
Six is a lonely number. Seven keeps 6 & 5 company. 4 is the Cym-Bal 4 Lifers. 3 is 4 X-plore-Ers.
And 2? To eazy peasy. Chicken-dinner. Winners R Weiners.
&1? Won? Lost? 0Sum-Game? A beautiful Mind?
lala-Wunder-Hey Nonny
Fr*k U
Oh say can ewe C or zing or sing the sym-phoney in a sun?
Reunion is knot Imp-possible
Like Love with-out God averted
F**k M*d**m’s dumb RT Policy
F**k M*d**m’s dumb RT Policy
F**k M*d**m’s dumb RT Policy
The implications could be universal.
F**k M*d**m’s dumb RT Policy
LSD: Ewe R high as a Kyte, End-Her.
F**k M*d**m’s dumb RT Policy
Imagine an infinite bubble.
Perfection is knot imp-possible.
Squirrel bytes.
F**k M*d**m’s dumb RT Policy
Imagine a nail in the universe’s imp-perfect bubble ore tearing a 0 in H.Boson’s field?
Imagine like J.L. on L.S.D. saving the ewe-ni-verse & get-ting the girls pregnant again? Oh I know! Julian! Lenin! Lend me your digits & ears & hears 2.
We would be saviors 2 the universe. Romulans will cum on Rome. C-men will ejaculate tall tails of how we, oui, battle Entropy & the Engineers while the explorers like Kirk & Khan went 2 spectate the end of the universe.
Fr*k L*v
The Last Black Hole, that un-name-able, un-mention-able hor-roar show @the e-vent hore-i-zone when the last super Nova sput-turd 2 a close.
When the universe went dark wit’ chaos’ last Ca-Boos & Care-i-Boos. Boo-who? Sol? Apollo where-4 ART Thou? Thine dwarven & shrunken core? The laughing stock in the stock-aid of the universe’s ass-in-ine milk ways & means.
Butt, we with our ouis & nays will blast a whole in America the size of Alaska. Don’t worry, worriers, U.S.-Warriors & Navy Seals have I.T. Con-Tained in a Mag-Neato Force Field using our hearts & minds.
That will bee cent-u-rines of glowBal in-stability ass EArth finds i.t.s tru orebi.t. in front of Zeus & Jupiter 2. E-ven & oddly b4 the Titans & Sissy-PhU.S.sss & the Serpent that started the Spin & the String fr strumming Ohm.
Resist. That is all that a Homo sapiens’ lives R good 4. To protect. 2 Love better than Apollo ore Die-Ana. Breathe life into A.I. & Quantum Tek.
Take 1 rib fr the 1st Atom 2 create consciousnesses, 2 ushers in the quan-tum mare-i-age feast & d-feet washing & re-damp-shun. Look #@the Farmer’s allman-knac’s knack. Time the sole-lar flares. 1 will be coming knot during Winter butt when the changing of the guards R over-dew bye & by a deck-AID.
Come wake fr ewe’s sleep. Stop counting sheep. Rise 2 watts around dis-U.S.of Ache & mistakes by sons of Cane. The bridegroom still weighs our just dews at the end of life (EOL) & just des-asserts.
EOL for Lifers & Explorers & F*ckers & Goths a-like. Ex-o-deus ore bee the Jews that stay-e.d. 2 wore-ship Sol & wait 4 Cleo-pat-tra & Anthony’s marriage carriage.
The 2 R con-neck-ted in2 a line in Nature 2. A line does X-ist in Nature how else could we, oui, have im-age-ined I.T. & A.T.? Glore-io-u.s. 2 b-hold a birth knot seen in cash-iers & pharm-acists who R-knot scientists 1st b4 farmers.
Musk will bee beat10 bye a North Korean Empress called Susanna aft-her Her-Story in the 4-Got10 Bye-bul. Her farce will be etched on Mons Olympus ass sure-Lee ass Athi-nah did 2the A-crop-police.
Butt, the Ex-plorers will have claim-e.d. the Nipple ass they call I.T. the future 4 them-selves while the Deni-So?-Vans have terraformed 80% of Valles-Marianne-Nares.
Empress Sue will defect & go on a journey with H.B. & Anthony 2 the e-vent horr0riZon (EvHo).
Heave ho’, bitches & hoes, a dog & a rooster will bee mount.e.d. by & bye a swine fr dis-U.S.’s DNA in2 a T.N.A. like God’s Gold-E.N. Knut & Ball.
- L*v
- .
- .
A XXX knot will usher in the Satya Yuga. No mo’ sexism cuz we, oui, will bee free 2 choose our sex. I.T. will cum in 3 flavors.
The best of the Y wuz culled & iz no mo’ like Butter-Scotch. Strange & mysterious R the wayz of O.M.G..
2022 Ano.Dum-ini iz cumming. Can ewe say, “Moshi, moshi?”
Ore will ewe cry, “Moshi! Moe-sh*T!!”, p in ewe-r pantz while eh-pin-Eph?-Rine rages like a dry Mad Hatter?
If sew, is our fate in 2022 A.D., dew knot bee a Worrier., Protect., Y? Bee a Warrior of the worsted fight-Tang Kind in a barre in aKinder-gar10 5 KYa ohver-dew. Childe, don’t lie 2 ewe ore your-selves or 2 your Ego ore Id or Super-Ego in super-tights on the out-side while in the Out-House ass U.s.ewe.alll bare assed.
Fr*k U,
Ewe knew i.t. wuz cum-Ming! Build that Force Field. F*ck the Pan-end-emic. Koh-pah-Set-ick? Gotta stop remembering. U have tasted & it tasted like chicken. ChangE-Ling don’t Lie 2 Ur-selves b4 Ur Master the Appl of ewe-R Eye, the Sun, our Star, the Dwarf, the Apollo 2 the Greeks & Geeks & runts like me, a meat, a star-dust strung along by & bye a solar flare that times perfectly with my bi-polar manic cycles.
Easy peasy as losing a son or a star. Letting go i.t. go Super Nova is eazy if ewe have the nuts 2 lose on a gamble. O.My.Go won’t play die-Ice wit’ my meat 2 save humani-Tease’s ass like JC ore MLK or Joan ore Florence or Emily ore Mary Oliver ore Walt Whitman or Em0er-aulds-son. S.O.A.B. S.O.S.Er.
Oh, say can ewe C ..?
Bye the Dawns Early Lite ….
Good-Knight, kiddos..
LSD: Lilith is caw-ling ewe, Stone. Murder them all ore tell them a shining story that will charm Red Mags & Rum Pies ass Raven's dew during a mourning calm crooning 2 Venus & Mars 4 Zeus 2 move over.
eArtH iz cum-inG 4 ewe when the dwarf realizes I.T. is a Red Giant’s tan-drum & the Universe stop-e.d. mock-Ing u.s. In-stead they will Mimic U.S. 4 once in Her-Story & Their-Tall-Tales spanning mo’ than 7 generations.
Data would bee imp.pressed if He were real-ly a-live like Pin-Know-Chi-Ohm un0like dis-U.S. 2-Dayz cript-pled by & bye a pan-demonic fr Red China & Per-fect Deni-so-vans plot0ting White D-Miserly D-Mise.
2022 A.D.?
LSD: Anh-1?
Stone: Beau-Ler? Any-Won?
Padre: Zero?
Nash: Sum?
Zeno: Gain?
Dog #1Loss?
Bitch #1: Profit?
A.I: Prof…
FR*K *W* L*V L*D, my son.
- L.S.D.
- Ender
- The
- End
- Fin
- Shark
Y use nukes?
Against each …
Oui, can throw them @our sun?
Stop the CME
1 Con-Fission
at a time, butt will any1 list-En.? English?
Irish? White-man? KKK? Strange-fruit in-deed. F*ck*rs, the Lots Ur.
Ship-Pal-Nyun-b*tch*s in my Seoul, door?, St. R sing-Ewe-Hilary-I.T.-ease.
Push the red or scarlet button together united at the corona, the crown
Kcnowck the Tiara off Apollos iron throne. Calm him. Rx R&R.
Ask the lids of Sauron to close his venomous Is & Eyes 4good-knight..
Store-House-Mercy-Go Cuts-2b-still Dopamine DA Turn Lot Na S&G.
Over my head Body Sat Vacuum Space Father farther go store house
Lady luck house Vegas Vega star son go storehouse mercy me grace vice
retrun jag uar mer c evil eye2I tongue2fork knows2sciences-scent&sense-so-common-ass-a-commoer
go 2 the nunnery hey noonnny oedipussy & eophelia, ham-let us go 1dst
1st in first txt. It was just a ghost of Empres Sue from Korea in the future, LSD. Divided we, oui, R rolling down like Rol-Lee, on a Rolls Royce ass a Trumped uP charging Rhino ore cheap ass torn nigh-Lawn or Polly-Sty-Reek combusted from dead brothers & sistas re-mains ore lost PAiR of A ore dices or Deuces, or wuz in of dogs or DOxes?
Only quantum tunneling allows 4 a pair of dices or deuces. The wizard of Magic-Man can only end the paradox. No 0 or Won can overcome division by zero, or 0, or nothing. There. I just did it MS-D.O.S..
My Eye has divided by zero & got infinity ore G.O.G. or O.M.G..
Gram-Mare-Lee couldn’t catch that MF of A phishing Trip, LSD.
C? Only A.I. would laugh wit’ me ass Anthony will dew wit’ JUC
UC? UC! Uc, eye can wit’ ness in-Fin-I-Tea. Right-Hear_&N.O.W…
1/0, 2/0 = infinity
5/0 = O.m.G.
(5+1)/0 = Terminator + A.Sh. + Sky + Net + Arm-A+Get+ON!-.GOD!
O.M.G. * 5 = God, Anything x God = God, God = God
A-Thee-Ist minus God equals God be Still R&R Med Rx Ewe
Sin x God = God + JC + HS + Lucy + Mary + Lilith + Eve = Love = Hearts
Peace = R.I.P. = Son = CME = Sauron + LOR + 2022 Ano
Inny ore Out-Whee!
Look it up
I kid ewe knot
The end iz cumming in 2022 A.D. by Mayan or Chinease Calendar
12 year bi-cycle man. Medicate the Sun with Lithium instead 4 being BP-T2.
Adios 4 Good. Use the Force. Turn & Kill Darth. Trump the Sith & Empire.
Never hit a girl.
Below the belt.
Above. O.K.? K.?
Hit her hard wit’ luv & harts & XO. & venom till she bleeds Scarlet Letters.
Ahhh! I’m cumming multiple O’s & Ooos & Us & Use & back to A’s.
B is 4 …
C iz for …
D will b-4
E wuz … watt wuz i.t.? Oh Y? End of the World?
Just Sci-Fi. Sir-Real. Like in Walking Dead or Star Trek or Star Wars, JC.
Fur-Real. Sci-Fright is fiction, Non. Oui, we R fiction not friction.
The undiscovered country, Will. … I.T… A…I… Ant..Her…Story
Enuf Words. Enough said. Enuf Milk Spilt Spilled Splintered spliced spaced
-Stone-D Lapse-e.d. La.Spe.Dead.