2 min readOct 16, 2020


Wait a minute! Do writers get somewhere between $0.02 per hour or at best $3/hr? I quit pharmacy school for this?
What about speed readers versus slower readers? Aren't we discriminating toward the slow-poke readers? Don't all readers get an equal voice?
I think Medium’s discriminatory practices hurt writers. They’re treated worse than Uber drivers in Somalia.
Let's start an online protest to get Claps back at least. Sadly, I'm tired of getting Medium's STD whenever she beckons me to write or respond for p-nuts.
Medium’s mission statement & actions R (1) discriminatory toward all genres which are not all created equal like poetry verus essay like Jefferson wrote in the DOI. (2) discriminatory over speed-readers hoping 2boost their friend's earning to $4/hr (3) discriminatory against quality because Quantity is now the Nouveau Gold Calf writers & the House worship.
Do I need to say more? It's funny 2 speed read the responses like children of Jesus seeing who got the most candy @ Medium's Trick or Teet or Tweet. Aren’t you tired of slogging through 8 minutes reads over coffee like a lengthy hairball gone sour?
I think Luke said it best in 22:
4 & there arose also a dispute among them as 2witch 1 of them was regarded 2b the greatest amongst the servants & slaves.
5 & He said 2his kiddos, “The kings of the Tech lord i.t. over them; & those hoo have authority over ur purses R called ‘Benefactors.’
666 Butt i.t. is knot this way with u, but the 1 who is the greatest among U must be-cum like the youngest, & the leader like the servant overthrowing the Benefactors' claps, RT or STD 4 hour readers & right-ers.
Wait a minute, writers on Medium! Do claps even matter if get ‘em? Y do we clap anyways? For glory? +1 or +50? Hoo cares, Moogin? Plz, where’s the beef, Whoggin? Let’s find an antidote 2this indentured subjugation 4Tech & Vices. Virtuous writers on Medium r know better than Jews 2the Nile once again..
Eye 4–1 am not doing tricks for the $ on Medium. Eye 4 an Aye. I’m bending over 4free while unemployed dew 2the pandemic in Medium’s penitentiary. Let’s B-wild like Jesus b4 Pontius & his beloved Jews under Jupiter’s watchful I without cents.



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