2 min readAug 8, 2020


Funny, we really do need a Bat-Signal. Too bad most of the money is being spent on arms. U hit another 1 outta the park, Dr. Shin. A terrifying read about Batmen. Yes, let us add viruses to the apocalypse list along with Global Warming & rampant human consumption & racism. It was a chilling read bc people actually copied a coronavirus that is capable of starting a pandemic. I'm not sure if these viruses were incapable of infecting humans not HeLa cells. If this is true, Trump could be right about the China-Virus. Asians are pretty smart compared to white people, especially Koreans.


If Global Warming is dismissed by America's President and Creationists, what hope does the world have in preventing future spillovers from Bats to Americans. And you know how well American's behave with other nations.


I believe surveillance and preparedness is a key. But, if we don't all play along as a species, we will be schooled by rowdy Americans debating over masks against the pandemic.


We should learns from bats and Batman that a strong immune system prevents crimes against humanity. The lack of urgency from America is embarrassing for me as an American. I can't tell you what to do because my country is failing me and my son.


The WIV1-Cov is like Oppenheimer building apocalypse in a spike protein. Is it possible to create a virus that would trigger a pandemic like SARS-COV_2, Mr. Shin? It seems it has already been done in Yunnan or Wuhan. Oppenheimer shed a tear on camera as he said as Vishnu would have cried, "I have become Death. I have become my worst enemy, the Destroyer of my Home." Americans started the nuclear Cold War. American fueled the flames of the pandemic. When will we learn?


BTW. THanks 4the hyper-links. U-R a true researcher. I.t. will take me at least a week 2fact check your delicious work on tainted jungle meat. I’m sure I will have nothing to complain about. I’ll leave you a tip or 50 claps next time if u will continU your precision writing. I miss the bench away from people. Quality work .. something seriously lacking on Medium these daze with people staring at their navel 2-Long. Common-sense, another item lacking in America. Long story short, there are just dust bunnies in there whether it is an in-ny or out-y. Let’s get back to saving lives &changing hearts through faithful-Words & Werk.





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