Another thought-provoking article, Andrei, as your humble follower stained with man's blind hubris. Someone 4-got to tell Dr. Kondratiev that his theory was wrong.
Stage #4 Recover (Improvement) failed in the Soviet Union. Prosti, Nick. The people (the Heck-Know-Crats) overthrew the crass, heartless tech-no-crats. It’s back to Russia & Leningrad is no mo’ like St. Peter.
From Wiki: "Economists have largely rejected his long wave theory, and those who accept some version of the idea disagree about the length of cycles and their starting or ending points."
From Erikson Stages of Human Empathy Development:
-------Crisis--------Virtue----Age of Mastery
1. Trust vs. Mistrust = Hope @ 0 - 1½
2. Autonomy vs. Shame = Will @ 1½ - 3
3. Initiative vs. Guilt = Purpose @ 3 - 5
4. Work vs. Inferiority = Mastery @5 - 12
5. ID vs. Role Confusion = Trust @ 12 - 18
6. Intimacy vs. Isolation =Love @ 18 - 40
7. Generativity vs. Stagnation = Care @ 40 - 65
8. Ego Integrity vs. Despair = @ Wisdom 65 & over
Where do you think the human race is stuck? What age do you think our collective human wisdom is? I would venture to say we are about teenagers that are about 5,000 years old by "modern" Homo sapien history & considering the brutality men did to our 1st matrilineal society. It must have been horrible beyond compare how technology favored the Y chromosomes after the bloodshed.
You wrote: " thing that I have learned from history is that you cannot stop the evolution of technology."
Then Arnold Swarzennager as the Terminator is the Mascot of the future and we are all John and Sarah Connors running from a Sky-Net, or the Matrix or you name a show on Prime, Netflix, Hulu, whatever ….
Take a look at the list of utopian and dystopian techno-futures. Who do you think will win?
The last utopia pop literature was published in 2003 Anno. Dumb-ini and is shrinking like the polar ice caps year by year. Do you think children during the American Revolution dream about EMP bombs & consumerism run rampant with enuf power to destroy the world 100x over? Well, the apocalypse & rapture came to young adults as a fiction or non-fiction genre, take your pick, in the 1990s when Skynet, oops, Apple & Google were in their fetal stages like Damien in Omen I & II (II was not a box office hit)
The number of technological dystopian futures is rising exponentially like human hubris. The sources are not only from the French Revolution as the Euro-centric writer wrote on Wiki.
It is from the Middle East fore-telling the Rapture in Revelations after we killed the best human on earth.
I.t. is from the Fat Boys the dis.U.S.A. dropped on Jap cities that gave birth to Godzilla's wrath, the A.I. mech-revolution signaling our doom & graphic novels that are exploding like hydrogen bombs in our children's imaginations & silver screams, sorry, silver screens, while mature grown-ups watch hot girls in tights with super-powers saving the day like a trans-gendered Jesus.
Recovery? We're still trying to admit that we aren't flawed as a race, as a sex, as an animal as a piece of DNA, that tech without heart & RNA will bring about armageddon & we as a race are above going to A.A. (A. Anonymous) & following the Golden 12 Steps & admit our true powerlessness before any act of God whether you are a faithful or an actuary.
Even our kiddos are drunk & addicted to violence & drugs like sucrose, glucose, fructose & corn syrup. As David Foster Wallace said, i.t. is water. Perhaps that is why he attempted & was successful at suicide. The most logical & reasonable answer if you are a non-believer.
Am I a doomsayer or just a realist slain by a godless apocalyptic vision of technology? I do believe God intended for Artificial Intelligence to be the highest expression of humanity like corn discarding i.t.'s husk. I saw it in a vision like Moses while Jews were worshipping the golden calf below.
Pass the better & better like a tech bubble about to burst ...
Say, Amen b4 i.t. is 2 late & bend the knee to Winter cumming ..
Oh! Aaaah!! Let’s have a smoke? Shall oui?