3 min readSep 23, 2020


Thought provoking! What should oui label Joanne Kathleen Rowling? A Transist? That sounds too much like Transit like BART. Perhaps J.K.R. is venturing into uncharted waters of her imagination as is her right as a novelist? Or perhaps 2much fame & fortune poisoned her vices & virtues? I had to take out a dictionary to decipher the following quote:


"Rowling’s choice to write a novel that centers this trope reveals the incapability of “gender-critical” feminists to decenter the victimization of White cisgender women in their critiques of heteropatriarchal society. "


Let’s try 2b on the same page. u want J.K.R. to write books where the cis-female protagonist is not to be so self-centered as the trans in a totally messed up, mixed up male-dominated society? You want Cis-women who identity with only their gender to step out of the straight-lime-light &let trans-humans take center-stage for the 1st time in His-Story 2critique our hetero-patriarchal society? I’m just trying 2make sense of hoo should have the right to critique chauvinistic men that have been dominating women on their backs for thousands of years as Ms. Moraga and M. Anzaldúa might agree with my opinion.


Let me get this straight or crooked or cis or trans. Do you think cis-gendered women should be shamed for appropriating other trans-women voices &trans-men voices &trans-human voices &trans-animal-howls-or-hoots-or-Tweets?


Let’s, face i.t., any way we look at it, if creative writers, especially women, write spontaneously about men, especially white men, black humans, trans-humans, cis-humans without claiming their identity as one of the marginalized“us” then these inspired writers who came from nothing should be shamed and torn down like Robert E. Lee’s statue foresaken. I ask all on Medium, who is Judas & who is Peter? I rather prefer to write like Peter any day. &, R.L.E. was opposed to slavery but fought for his Confederate kind out of loyalty and land. Who cares and who remembers. He’s a racist. She’s a Transit. Let’s let them ride & write to their hearts' content. RLE fought to preserve the system however flawed and chose to be on the losing side just like J.K.R. with her billions while RLE is spinning in his grave from children who never faced true wild racism through a gatlin gun aimed for their white heads whether Red or Blue..


Yes, J.K.R will never be as great as Harry Potter while unemployed. But, now she is a billionaire, she is the subject of all our ire & envy & gluttony. As Jesus might have said, he or she or tranny who is without racism, bigotry, agism or sexism may throw a rock through J.K.R.’s Tiffany White Cis-windows.


In conclusion, you wrote:


"The urgency of humane, accurate, and nondiscriminatory trans representation in pop culture cannot be overstated, along with policies that privilege self-determination and wider conceptions of gender. Unfortunately, the author whose creative work enchanted many of us in childhood is invested in becoming the villain of this part of history."


I agree with your closing argument, but I think you missed the point that J.K.R.’s writing is not non-fiction. If you argue, any work whether fiction, non-fiction, or autobiography, makes an impact on the Mainstream Society (MS or Big Brother), then we are so far from U.L.K. Guin's hope in her Opus, The Left Hand of Darkness.


Should we condemn Master Bill because he was a white man posing as a Bard when he was truly a Caliban? Or was he, or perhaps he was a she, Amelia Bassano, was just an instrument writing on the wailing wall? Not the one in Jerusalem for the Faithful, but the 1 we kow-tow-2, The Great Facebook’s Wall of shame & bullying. Eclipses, the Chinese-made way 2 divide 2 cultures day. In the end, we all become Mongols & mongrels.


Shakespeare wrote in one of the first anti-Semitic characters, Shylock, into our collective imagination. Nabokov ushered in a genre of pedophilia as high art. Manet showed art for what it is, porn. The list goes on and on as are the critics locked in an eternal dance.


I leave you with a quote from one of the first Saints of Police Brutality from the 90’s, Rodney King.


“People, I just want to say, you know, can we all get along? Can we get along?”


He was found 20 years later dead from alcoholism due to excessive success.

