This is why I read & respond on Medium, and not get paid! Actually, I made my first paycheck from Medium, 22 cent! Whoo-hoo! Fantastic article on Play-Doh BTW. It goes to show you what Apple in the 80', the Evil Ad Men in the '60s knew about children.
The Gold Rush wasn't in California. It was in porn industry of advertising to schools & children. Then children were now to be seen & marketed and the grown-ups were no longer the golden goose to the dismay of many parents.
Apple began flooding universities with childish looking Mac 128Kb (that's kilo-bytes of memory), indenturing young minds to innovation. Now look at how we are slaves to innovation & never glance at the stars.
Earlier, Ad men realized selling sugar to children who whine to grownups for a living were the target age group. The Madison Men were falling behind.
Kids & school teachers are the "Vision", "Agility", "Pro-Activenes" and the other BS from the profitable mission statements of leading companies on NASDAQ. Kids & teachers are the milked cows & veal that MBA students love to dissect. Can you say viral $ on the backs of under-aged kids & sugar?
Well, grown-ups do have some imagination to some degree. They invented a drug for high blood pressure to relax smooth muscles to dilate the blood vessels. They tested it out on rats, and the rats got a boner in the lab's rat race. They measured the pressure of the woody in a dissected rat while getting his rocks off on Viagra.
The poindexters, doctors & scientists wondered if they should save human lives or be rolling in cash riding high on the erection of old geezers with tenure. Later on, they repented and came out with a version of Viagra for PAH (Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension), much later, many died.
This was visionary because they extended the patent life of Viagra by decades. It also breathed new life into their patent with a new indication.
Now, that is called grown-up agility & ingenuity. Don't forget the rat poison that was found to be the #1 blood thinner making bucks, warfarin. Don’t forget the powerful steroid for glaucoma. Some doctor or MBA saw that it makes thicker, darker, sexier eyelashes. Now a nuke is being used to grow darker lashes and making bucks while preventing generic drugs from entering the market. Can you say pre-school bully?
Probably, like Play-Doh, the first users of Viagra (Pay-Doh! I’m cumming!) were white, too. Probably also Jobs who took a byte out of the forbidden Apple & the depraved Ad-men were white and children once like Prometheus.
Now I know why teachers get paid so miserably. I bet you a bolus of Viagra or a ton of Play-Doh that Joe McVicker didn't give one cent to the teacher or children who turned soot into gold.
“So our job as parents is not to make a particular kind of child. Instead, our job is to provide a protected space of love, safety, and stability in which children of many unpredictable kinds can flourish. Our job is not to shape our children’s minds; it’s to let those minds explore all the possibilities that the world allows. Our job is not to tell children how to play; it’s to give them the toys and pick the toys up again after the kids are done. We can’t make children learn, but we can let them learn.”
-Alison Gopnik, The Gardener & the Carpenter: What the New Science of Child Development Tells Us About the Relationship Between Parents and Children