These are direct quotes from one of the most respected journals for scientists & doctors. I ask Dr. Lipsitch if he wants to revise his statement. Does he still “WONDER” why there hasn't been a clear government voice during this pandemic? I think there has been a clear voice from the Trump Admin. Our government has put a mask on America’s health data & information by muffling the voice of the CDC by misappropriating life-saving data to the HHS.
I would give journalists and scientists barely a passing grade for whittling out all the science nuance to citizens without a college degree.
Here are some of the pertinent quotes.
Why did the Trump administration decide to remove the CDC from its job in leading data surveillance, rather than modernizing the agency’s data-collection system?
Earlier this month, the administration of President .. chose to transfer responsibility for coronavirus data collection, management and sharing. This task, previously within the remit of the US CDC .. was handed to the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).
The HHS has said that the CDC has access to the data. But it is not clear whether the CDC will be able to interrogate the data according to its needs, or share its analyses with the public in a timely manner
These researchers (and data) help local leaders to understand where the outbreak is spreading, and how to control it. Without their crucial work, the United States will continue to fight the pandemic blindly, through intermittent surges followed by economically destructive lockdowns. <America’s infection rate since March is >30,000% while South Korea’s is below 0%>
Four of the CDC’s former directors said that the schools controversy is an example of how “repeated efforts to subvert sound public health guidelines introduce chaos and uncertainty while unnecessarily putting lives at risk”. <Infection rate among children attending schools have soared beyond 300% and rising.>
- Source:
As you wrote: "We have to be rational in the face of that."
Yes, SARS-COV2 applauds Trump's efforts to divide and conquer the CDC. COVID-19 cheers for the haphazard re-opening of schools. The pandemic loves that America is doing a poor job of fighting the coronavirus. Viruses & humans increase their population in a geometric sequence. The only difference is that 1 human generation is about 30 years and SARS-COV-2 is less than a week. It took less than a century for SARS to evolve into SARS-COV-2. It took us 300,000 years to become a rational homo-sapien. Are we regressing?
Yes, the Viruses DO CARE about America’s refusal to act rationally in the face of so many lives lost and will be lost. They are mutating and laughing at the infected human race that behaves like bald eagles with their tails aflame in the human global forest. Herd immunity? Plz, are we cattle on a stampede or are we more rational than that?
Stone-Cold Father