3 min readSep 26, 2020


Thanks, Megan, for shedding light on the impossible task to be, not understood, but to be listened to as a person with as much right to breathe as those NOT wishing to hang themselves whenever their neuron fires. I’ll be the first person to venture out and respond to your “sensitive” piece. Suicide is such a dirty word in our civilization. The best usually commit suicide. The best of the best commit suicide by cop like Jesus, M.L.K., J.F.K., R.F.K., Joan of Arc, 80,000 witches & warlocks, and so on like filtered purest of waters dripping out of a polluted planet.


I've given up the urge to confess my suicidal sins to people or anyone that talks English. These calls are, after all, a "drunk-call" as the "Lifers" do in their worst moments. Likewise, these calls that "Lifers" make, make few friends and more turncoats in their whines & apologies as the non-Lifers do without alcohol.


If you are looking to confess your mortal sin of suicide, then don't give up reaching out to people, but let me tell you that no one will satisfy or slake that thirst for death. As Forky said in Toy Story, Trash or Death is where Sporks belong. Lifers think death is Refuse while the Suicidal Revolutionaries think it is Refuge.


If there is no one to confess your desire to meet your Maker or perhaps your need for Death's embrace, then pray or find humility that we are living in a backward world. In the forward world, you and the rest of the "Breakfast Club" would be superstars not pariahs in a heinous backward world where anti-depressants & lithium have replaced straight-jackets with a smile. Imagine how people lived with Bipolar when there was no Lithium? Imagine if Jesus came a second time, but this time the psychiatrists diagnosed him and gave him a bolus injection of Haldol before he could spread the Good News?


It's better when people thought suicidal people were witches and possessed by the devil than ordered to take our meds from our most loved ones in the name of the Unholy Body.


I found someone to whom I can confess this mortal sin. It's the same one that I pray to. I also have someone I can confess my desire to die. It's my son. But, he only listens best when he is asleep & cooing and I am crying on his shoulders.


You can, too. Find someone to pray. Find someone to rest your burden. Forget your friends for true companionship. Adopt a child, get a dog, get a cat. True communications don't require words. If all else fails, there is the Wastebasket.


Don't get a fish, they can't nuzzle. I leave you a quote by Mary Oliver, also a member of the infamous Breakfast Club:


“And that I did not give to anyone the responsibility for my life. It is mine. I made it. And can do what I want to with it. Live. it. Give it back, someday without bitterness, to the wild weedy dunes.”


Be well. Seek peace with all your heart. Wanna join? You’re already a member. Don’t worry, your friends will join you at the end of their journey, too.



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