2 min readOct 26, 2020


Um, yes & oui they dew speaking ore rather righting as a rightful Man with ballz & a God-given Y chromosome by a XX. If any man hasn’t rolled their eyes at their wives or thanked spanking was not in vogue as a gay man or wished for a trap for an X's mouth to shut, then please respond. Y chromosomes only, no X chromosomes. Their opinions r duly noted. XXY OK. XY OK 2. Only Y need reply, K?
Thank you for your OPINION, not Fact, not Evidence, not peer-reviewed or meta-analyzed on how men feel toward their children, certainly below the alpha-value as an opinion. All humans feel hate at 1-moment in their sorry lives. All men feel nothing 4 their shrew wives @times & selfish children during trying moments if they r lucky 2b their significant others. I'm sure, Ica, u never made ur lover feel sick enuf like Cola 2-ignore his unconditional cries of uncle & love thru your screams @Him like a child.
If u r a woman, it is an opinion about the Y chromosome. If UR a man, u exemplify my pt. exactly when u throw men 2 the shrinky dogs & psychiatrists hi on Li & ECT than in2 ur loving arms of canonical authority on this topic.
2 pathologize the human male condition as inherently dis-eased is to exclude them from your exclusive Happy & UC-Love Garden of Eden of Atheists/Agnostics & offer tempting approved drugs 2get that heretic who dislikes his son Off of any illicit drugs of his choosing that make him feel that unconditional way toward U or him. As my son told me 2 tell the author, i.t.’s ok to not like me @times, but never let me go or go to the Dark Side.
If ur words r true, then 2 billion men will need 2 billion female psychiatrists & lots of FDA approved drugs to keep the pigs sedated in the human Animal Farm (hAF). We can't trust men or women to cure men of their dislike of others. Only JC saves them all. The economy shrink & booms, but the pharmaceutical industry & the Inquisition field called psychology or religion will boom if you are elected President of Opinions or stage a Fascist Coup 4 normalcy & decency like the failed Victorian Era.
Thanks for your response, Ica. Duly noted that I need therapy & (recreational) drugs as a flawed man.
a Y Chromosome made of Stone

