1 min readSep 18, 2020


Thank goodness the Jackalope is just folklore dreamt up by P.T. Barnum. It's the mascot of the Odd Squad on P.B.S. holding a banana to remind you not to take life too seriously. Vampire deers, Chupacabras how macbre, oh my.


But you lost me in Charybdis' whirlpool. These are certainly not real or have any basis in reality other than imagination. Perhaps, they should be in a separate category from esteemed colleagues likes Jackalopes in this pantheon.


This includes the Incubus who tried to worm His way into women's Reeboks in 1997. That was when the Art Director was probably fired for unleashing a horde of demons into women's Jazzer-cize shoes.


I doubt either the Incubus or impregnates women during sleep paralysis. I doubt the Succubus only goes after straight men. Without the Fates and Muses, we wouldn't have men like P.T. Barnum pulling the wool over our sleep paralyzed faces.


The gods & Demons care not for our labels. They still bring ships down. They still molest us despite our desperate attachment to scientific basis. In our Post-Truth world anything imaginable is possible.


Trump can be the Anti-Christ. The Pale Horseman is Johnny Cash. The Madonna now wears her undies on the outside ushering a new dawn of Super Heroes doing the same as Loki after he killed Baldur & the rest of the Old gods while Sigyn still collects his venom before the world splits in 2 along our fault-lines.



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