3 min readAug 29, 2020


Rob, you should know better as editor-in-chief to catch the error in "Covid-slide". Please don't let it slide into the hole like "boat-load" into "butt-load". It should be spelled "COVID Slide" or a “CoViD Slip” or a “CoViD-19 Sloop”. Co for the Sun. Vi for the virus and D for Disease. 19 for the year.


Returning to point, I quote from 6 of the Borg, "Resistance is useless & pointless." As a hyper-vigilant father of a 2nd grader, I don't care about re-opening schools anymore. Why stand in front of Tiananmen square with other parents before a U.S. Tank aiming its infected barrel @US? In America, tanks, guns & anyone in health policy for this country are like Bobble-Headed war machines coming for our sick kiddos. AND there is NOTHING we can DO about IT from a policy standpoint as concerned parents. It is what it is.


America is lagging behind the virus by months while many nations are flatlining the curve allowing re-opening ... until America re-infects them .. again. It is what the weakest link is.


The weakest link. The weakest link. We are the weakest links in the global pandemic along with countries like Brazil, South Africa & India.


As for remote-learning, I find it way, way better than in-person learning (IPL) for my 2nd-grade child ... if you have the time or no job like me.


I realized through 2 weeks of remote learning (RL) this year that RL can provide individual attention to ANY child. Provided that there is a parent nearby & not on a conference call. But if the parent IS PRESENT as a teacher's aide, it’s better than IPL by far. I realize teachers should be paid more than the President of this country or Apple or Google through this blessed pandemic.


I realized how much work it is to be a teacher's aide to just ONE kid. Imagine 25 kids and $80K per year with 2 kids of your own. I realized how many parents strap a headphone onto their child and be done with RL while their child languishes like before the new normal, in-person. Parents that have jobs have tons of excuses. I do not have that luxury, literally, no Teslas in my apt allowed.


I realized how many children slip through the cracks no matter if it is Remote or In-person Learning. So, resistance is truly pointless and worthless through parental trial & error. And usually, it's the same cohort that transmits the disease to Caine's Whyte children by the produce they harvest or the DoorDash gal ringing mansions. Children at risk are usually the ones without tech and their parents have eviction notices piling up. (est.40mil, folks)


I don't mind if America runs with rusty, Covid-laden scissors while the pandemic rages. It is what it is. My son will be better educated with remote learning & a volunteer hybrid teacher's aide & dad for just 1 special child.


I can't say the same for the sons of Abel & Lucy's African children. I will not be dismayed if Whyte Children lag behind. They will bridge the gap to the chocolate children still falling further behind with their ignorance and lack of in-person attention.


My advice? Bow to the advice of the Superintendent and Trump, but like the spirit of '76, stage quiet revolts of volunteer pod schools for the UNDER-privileged, community babysitting for families in need, 24/7 tech support to bridge the gap between school and all families. If you are a privileged-Tech-Y bemoaning your children’s health, Y don't you join the PTA or the Dad's or Mom's club and lend you expertise? Start a Mask Drive instead of spending that time shopping for HEPA air purifiers for 1 family. Be the bridge on our children’s backs.


The experts in the U.S. aren't up to the task. That is clearly unrefutable by the mortality numbers and infection rate versus the rest of the planet. As Michelle Obama said, "It is what it is". I leave you with a doctored quote from the next VP of the disUSA:


“All we needed was a competent (Someone or Some ORG). One who was willing to listen, willing to lead, take responsibility (as Trump is a master @the blame-game like a Boss Baby), have a plan, do their job (to protect our next generation instead of their election.)”

- Kamala Harris



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