Purple rain, baby. That's the way we fear the police these days scores later on that thin blue line never relenting like Crowley. I would've said the same as that gansta’ if coppers killed my brother2. WORD. Kids don’t approach the Police for stickers as much as Firemen. Like Batman vs. Superman, the police is the most hated civil servant with his knees upon gansta-looking guys like GF Jr. But aren’t we forgetting Virginia?
My apologies. This piece didn't ricochet with me as I hoped it would. I was lost in a shoot out with these old-time murderers. I got lost in the Sundance Kid &sided with Crowley bc he didn't have the heart to shoot a girl, but stone cold enuf to throw the crimson laundry out of a car with Duringer.
Chilling 2think of her red lockets of hair wafting by the haunted seminary. Morbidly sublime. Blood dyed in her riddled hair, what imagery! Bravo. A terrible tale of how men prey upon young girlz in a self-perpetuating snake eating its tale.
As you quoted:
Stigma is a brand. To brand is 2mark indelibly as a sign of quality. 2brand is also 2impress indelibly on 1’s memory, there4 the stigma is both in the stigmatized person &in the stigmatizing 1. - López-Ibor JJ. “The Power of Stigma”. World Psychiatry. 2002;1(1):23‐24.
Ever true in this case also. VB is stigmatized 4 working @essentially a PeepShow in Post-Truth times. The murderers Rthe stigmatizing 1s instilling PTSD as a parting gift if VB ever lived. Both R-branded as an indelible sign of quality wasted by the roadside. Your piece though a bit long in the tooth is a time-machine 2a golden age of barbarism unmatched today.
Or R-we, the victimized, the branded 1s as America sinks in2 gansta-mode peddling violence to the world & selling arms 4favors like a lascivious Godfather raping women with impunity behind the White House? 1 Virgin at @time streaming on Netflix 4our viewing pleasure. Our thirst 4violence is unquenchable as is our pursuit of Happiness to the exclusion of the vulnerable 1s. Hey, it’s written in the Bill of Rights.
I blame Disney for keeping the happy ending alive 4girls like Virginia. Just as deadly as violence is the search 4beauty and super-heroes. Sexy ain’t sexy 2 me after reading your piece. I will never go to a peep show again. ;)
I.T. invented the coronavirus &the pandemic through our misogyny, racism, Me-ism, I-ism, U.S.vs.Them-ISM. I wonder if reading about our violent HIStory makes me a violent human? We are what we digest.
Thanks for a blood-curdling read. I wish it ricochet the voice of VB more succinctly & deafeningly. Her voice needs to be screamed from the top of the Oval Office. Trump is a pussy compared to these 2 murderers & rapists. MAGA. Kamala Harris 4 President! Move over Biden. Let’s break this cycle of violence toward colored women. I wonder why Obama and KH had dead-beat dads? Misogyny is bread in our chromosomes.
How do we reverse i.t.’s transcription when we are X & Y?