I’m ready to make new mistakes
So tired of old wrongs berating me
Still not ready to be reborn as an adult?
Child, what U said was true, but sharp
Words wielded untrue cuts like a Katana
I could’ve gathered my insides when he sliced
Instead, I let the hemorrhage out 2 show him
Show him that words are not for parrying
Among loved ones, words R warm hugs
I gave my child this cold advice
Words from compassion R never wrong
Dialectics is not about being right
He sleeps, time 2B grownup about old digs
No more living last year’s lies in new digs
There’s work 2b done without words
Like vacuuming, unpacking, and Roblox
Joker woke up today in mid-flight
Tired but motion revives a severed parent
2 tired 2 entertain even shame & guilt
Pizza 4 lunch just a block away now
Just the 2 of us playing Pacman
Like new hurts burying old rituals
I want this newness to last
Impermanence mocks my words
True, I’ll settle into dust & ingratitude
I tell him true lovers fight clean
Ours is still as pure as 3x distilled water
No matter the wrongs felt