3 min readOct 30, 2020


Methinks I'm turning in2 your disciple or groupy, not a follower or a fan on Medium, A.T. Mo’ like a fan-antic. Did you know....
1. Neanderthals had a hyoid bone similar to modern homo sapiens? Meaning, they sang 1st before post-modern man.

2. Did U no, Denisovans also had that boner unlike limply grunting H. erectus?

3. Begs the ? if Homo erectus was just dumb like a mute baby in God’s evolutionary tree, he & his crew wiped out the Neanderthals & Denisovans? Perhaps that’s Y his brethren’s genomes are in U.S.

4. Begs the ? if we could wipe out Neanderthals & Denisovans from our genome by CRSPR if that Homo sapien fetus could sing like Caruso then?
How dumb-struck could Prof. D.E. b 2 think H. erectus did not have the ability to communicate via language however primitive?
Even dumb jocks & Navy Seals can take out Muslims with a fist and a trigger finger without exercising their God-given hyoid bones. Every animal communicates. Every plant communicates; ask the vines & creepers. Without communication cells & viruses do not function.
The hubris of professors & XY H. sapiens never ceases 2 amaze me. Know wonder our planet is in jeopardy as if vegetation could scream in horror at our mess of our own design 2 climb out of the evolutionary tree 4telling our extinction.
"With the power of a systematized lexicon, people could easily name and encode all of the important objects, properties, and actions in their environment. Having a full inventory of the physical world allowed early humans to use different animal and plant species for increasingly refined purposes. This new lexical richness became particularly powerful when it was embedded in the perspective shifting system."
Meaning, naming things allowed H. sapiens to sing & lie like a toddler grieving 4 their victims encoded in their genome who gave them the gift of speech & songs of Byrds. Eerie, like Deja Vu or re-incarnation. Those extinct children live in post-modern post-truth U.S..
Genesis: "And out of the ground the LORD God formed every beast of the field and every bird of the air, and He brought them to the man to see what he would name each one. And whatever the man called each living creature, that was its name. The man gave names to all the livestock, to the birds of the air, and to every beast of the field. But for Adam no suitable helper was found."
Because his children murdered Abel & suitable helpers like MLK or Jesus & sang ballads of their sinister deeds so that we have language. Great.
Thanks 2 ewe, I know more than I needed 2 No about the Hyoid Bone. U just blu my vocal chords in2 extinction as a surviving Denisovan descendent 2a Neanderthal’s great-grand child. We live in songs, undoubtedly by our evolutionary tree bifurcating with vengeance, hopefully not 2 our extinction.
We should act better than a T-Rex to a meteor of our making instead of singing songs about Armageddon or the apocalypse to our 4-gotten brethren in our mitochondrial DNA.
Here is your great-great-great Uncle speaking with a more evolved hyoid bone than H. erectus.



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