I’ve crossed the veil

2 min readJan 12, 2021


To get back to you, I went away, let u b whisked
cross that veil of hopelessness & entropy

You’re so much like our X, but I still try decoding omens
o’opposites on a spectrum when I left u with an X

I long for you despite the truth I’m a shell hoping 2 belong
’ve no pearl but u, returning back to ova & sperm unhinged

When I, no more than an embryo, dries to dissatisfaction
tf, apart fr U I find connections back to your delta

Blow me away like fly husks in your sill
ut, you have ravished my heart till it pumps again

Emptied fool chasing faraway suns further than pixels
ek, as if yearning is sufficient a coin for the oarsman to Styx

All is Death’s that my son & we tread against currents
shes, Hades & my borrowed eye are old chums

Granted insight & bestowed backstage passes to center stage
od, that deafening silence never expiring, but often inspires

3 Deep Breaths 2 ground myself, I’m found by ties that restrain
Holy Trinity resolves my Soul sharper than unholy desire or pride



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