2 min readOct 19, 2020


It's not surprising we, as Americans, had 5 more nukes waiting to kill more innocent enemy citizens. They were tired. We were tired. True to Manifest Destiny we did not relent under yellow dominance by the last Axis power. Just look at Trump to read the US spirit against Bushido,

"We will end it now. Today, I have strongly recommended to every governor to deploy the National Guard in sufficient numbers that we dominate the streets."
That is the American spirit gone sour; it used to be great, now US just grates. Imho, the Japs were about to cave if we killed enuf of them on the islands & mainland. It would just take a couple more years of our boyz dead on atolls.
I agree the primary reason to use Nukes may have been to end the war, but the backhanded reason was to scare the Commies of our awesome white might.
In the end, the colored citizens had to pay whether it was Krystal Nacht, London or Tokyo, next. What is also not widely known was that the Americans carefully surveyed Hiroshima & Nagasaki prior to the Fat Boy & Little Boy like SS doctors examining their specimens & landscape from ground zero of their choosing 580 meters above the fearsome crowd.
In the end, the war ended either way. The Cold War came despite our best efforts of deterrence using the citizens of Japan as test grounds for the Russians to admire & fear.
Should we have fought a ground war on the soil of the Rising Sun to prove who wins in the game of “chicken” or “blink”? The point is moot since boyz cannot help but play with firecrackers, playing king of the hill & burning bodies with radiation. They been doing that since Prometheus stole fire, but Oppenheimer really put the fission in confission.
At least because of the bombing of Imperial Japan, we now import Godzilla & Manga. The new craze among our non-irradiated children's minds is now the apocalypse as if our subconscious is trying to bring Hiroshima back 2 U.S.
What did you watch when you were once innocent? The end of the world, redemption? Or, White- Cowboys & Red Native-Americans?

