IMHO, Jesus is the ultimate Bad Boy that even Cain would love 2 hate, even more than God's most favored angel. JC took Lucifer's cigarettes, vices & virtues during his conversation 40 days in the desert along the chain-linked fence at the border between life & the Pearly Revolving Gate. I think he would describe freedom from sin & bullies, liberation fr life, kicking the bulls’ asses & taking names without apology as ... Uncomfortable. Here's a line from Star Trek Discovery (amazing btw) from the Book:
Burnham: What is it like, feeling everything?
Book: Uncomfortable. My family are killers. Poachers. Every so often one like me shows up in the gene pool. I don't know, something to do with balance, I guess.
Here's a line from the Word of God
Ephesians 4:31-32
“Get rid of all bitterness, rage & anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. Bee kind & compassionate 2 1 another, 4-giving each other, just ass in Christ God 4-gave U & U.S..”
My advice if U care for i.t.? Any 1 who gives U a life-line 2 God is crying "Wolf" U is duplicitous bc every apostle who is an apostate knows, like Judas & Thomas, that God is a circle & Nature abhors human lines & fake hierarchies. I.t. takes at least 2 points 2 make a line even if you are an atheist. Agnostics R always write bc they never take sides & never achieves anything in life bc they are obsequious apologizers 2 the bitter end, always afraid 2b wrong, they never take a stance against life or death.
God requires 1 singularity 2 re-create the universe in a sphere of power, love & mercy in 7 days. Grace never get's God's circular logic. Power always wants 2 dominate jazz artists & irrelevant, reverent Revs. Rest & b unapologetic to all of God’s creatures great & small. U matter 2 me, JC & the God of (little) Death (G.O.D)
Daniel 9:9
“The Lord our God is merciful and forgiving, even though we have rebelled against him..”