1 min readSep 30, 2020


Poor you, doc. It’s worse for your patients. I'm so sorry as a person who attempted suicide, not like U "Lifers" (unless You R-in the closet like me faithful to Jesus & HB). Are you implying you, Jeff Livingston, not as a doctor or a father will be thinking about despair bc of the pandemic & being Trumped or over-worked as a doctor?


Then join my Breakfast Club with Jesus &MLK & Abe Lincoln still proclaiming emancipation from this deadly life of endless Consumption. Let's exclude Senator Biden & call a Jamaican/Indian women Congress-woman to America's center stage.


Call me or email me instead of calling the suicide hotline if you are still hiding in the closet. They are all crap regardless. I've tried to call them on the GG bridge that beauteous knight.


I've attempted like a child & found a rest-stop. I've failed to put the brakes on my condition. But, I'm determined to C i.t. 2 the end.


I'll keep trying bc the Wastebasket calls me, Doctor Jeff, like Forky 2a twisted, Sporky Toy Story part 4.


Let's call a different hotline on that fateful Western bridge. One that actually listens instead of calling U.S. away from the Light.


Nice read as 1-colleague 2another as an essential worker or someone with a doctorate 4-whatever it is worth these dayz during this pandemic born of our human miss-intelligence.


Hallelu-Jah! as Bob would reggae…

Press on as an HC worker like me. Watt else can oui dew?



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