I calculated the Odds Ratio for these underlying conditions. In case you need to refresh your stats, here's a link:
High blood pressure: 6.6
Chronic heart disease: 15.9
Diabetes: 4.6
Chronic Kidney Dz: 14.2
Use of ACE-I/ARB drugs: 4.2
ARDS: 18.6
Kidney injury: 21.8
Use of glucocorticoids: 1.7
Mechanical ventilation: 24.3
Antiviral therapy: 1.0 (not significant)
The benchmark: Overall COVID-19 deaths, if you have high troponin levels in your blood, your chance for death by coronavirus shot up 15.3 times. To put it in perspective, the chances of getting lung cancer is 15 to times according to the CDC.
On top of that number, compared to your hypertensive neighbors with normal troponin levels, you may be 6.6x more likely 2perish from COVID-19. The study forgot to mention kidney injury as another potential risk factor.
The biggest co-conspirator to COVID-19 mortality according to this study is Acute Respiratory Distress and kidney injury. Unfortunately, this is a natural event at the end of the viral infection on a person.
Also, I almost forgot to mention antiviral therapy may help to fight the virus. The Odds Ratio did not increase with therapy meaning there was no difference in deaths.
Please correct me if my math is wrong. I promise not to rant if I am in error. It's nothing new. Take care of your heart and your heart will take care of you. It’s lonely if having a heart is a one-way street.