3 min readAug 30, 2020


Hey Doc. Smith. I feel your pain. Ever since re-opening in May in the US, which btw was the stupidest idea yet above debating masks & re-opening schools like we were talking about the Virgin birth, we as upstanding Americans have not only been watching a horror show of our own making but participating in the apocalypse series frame by frame since the pandemic started back in the Ides of March in late August, JC.


I was about 2critique your use of the word, "sabotage" until my eyes looked up its proper definition:


“To deliberately destroy, damage, or obstruct (something), especially for political or military advantage.”


I can’t argue with your word choice 4our currant condition. But, my eyes disagree whole-heartedly on your attempt 2excuse not only the government agencies, the health policy-makers but also the scientists &doctors in these organizations compromising our lives bc of incompetence.

I would quit than endanger millions of good Americans if my Eye were in power, or I would sabotage the CDC’s I.T. somehow.


It is precisely incompetence 2cave in2pressure, 2run4theHills, 2bury the Truth instead of protecting the PHI of good people, witch is the mandate & “mission statement” of all Orgs.


In order 4a disaster 2happen, Oui need both the saboteur &the incompetent bureaucrats who care mo’ about their jobs, bonuses & board members than U.S. children, our nation & the sick. Their sons &daughters R-children after-All. Ore R-They, luv?


What we need is a resurrection of 1776. The Redcoats Rnow hour gov’t. Oui kneed a good ol’fashun Bostonian T-Party. The Real Kind, knot the fake Red or White & Blues of the RNC, 2days instead of 3 dayz @the bread &circus witch-ever ParTeh we suffer the children from!


Kow-tow 2the powers that B, parents.


It is what it is U ape-like humans. That also includes me in Ur infested, American Pod.


You can't beat Trump. Bring a ladder &Get Over I.T..


Set up mask drives 4ur loco schools. Org free pod schools 4the needy. Offer to babysit 4the poor hoo kneed a break from U.S. Here is my croon 2the end of our world in the image of our apish selves lacking sorely in our desperate hour, a lackey 2our humanity seeking ecstasy:


Provide tech support if u have the Means.
Steal computers from Apple & Google
Give them 2colored people as Robin would
early in the mourn with the mourners in She-rwood-ee
Dante, Donate. Anything.
Any thing in-stead off b-ing submissive & fearful Again
American’t sheep hoping the farmer with an axe2grind
This Animal Farm will save u.s.
Ore re-l-liv-ing U.s. off hour demo-
Hippo. Hypo!!
Crass-y. 2turn U.s. 2infected left-overs
Ass chops, D
Easy as ABC ore 123, L.


I leave you with a quote from the next VP of Dis-U.S.A.


"But here's the thing: He's the President of the United States, and it's not supposed to be about him (or the CDC, or WHO or AAP or our Jobs or Money). It's supposed to be about the health and the safety and the well-being of the American people."


I'll take Ms. Harris or Ms. Arden for Prez in 2020 even if NZ has to invade North America to save the nation from itself.


Peace &fuck Ecstacy & the big Oooh @the end of hour sew sorry pathetic U.S. lives as humans thinking of the lightness of B-ing an animal while falling like the Mourning Star in a beastly demo-hypocricy.


Nothing has changed since Roman times. Is I.T. another new, new New Rome with the same emperor’s invisible cloak on the clock? Spatially, oui have all B-Cum JC & Nero & Brutus 2hour own F***Ing I.T., A.I. devices like Jews 2A Golden Calf talking back 2our Vices &Virtues.


Lilith remains ass hour insurmountable Failure bc of my chromo-somes Y Pried? Oui &9. Zeroes & Wons. Medium won’t make me rich. That’s fer sure across the thin Blue Line.


Peace or Pieces. Your choice whether the Vain points to a pandemic or paradise.


Let I.T. R.I.P. Pea-Sssssssss to Higgs Bosons, U.



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