2 min readAug 12, 2020


Great fun facts on icons, Mr. Gee! Take a look @the word Icon. I.t. was virtually unknown in the 70s except 4sum R-caine Eastern Orthodox monks. Then consumerism brought Icons 2the forefront. Smiley Corp lost their bid 2a Christian Big Brother, Walmart. Now oui-wipe hour butts with cymbals, literally &Sym-Dia-bolic-Ally, butt don't realize Icons were once symbols of worship &veneration 4etern-i-t. Shame on U.S.! Does that mean OUI bend hour knees &our "I knew its" &kowtow nervously 2the All-Mighty-Smiley Face invent-E.d. bye a-fake-multi-national-corp? Like a land-grab, they trade-marked hour smile with-out permission ore con-cent. Oui, I AM knot ashamed 2declare Eye choos Christianity over Buddhism. Sadly, in chimp language,the smile means deference 2the alpha male when Ur shagging His squeeze without consent. “Keep Ur Head down ore eLSE” is the tru message of the SMILE b4the camera. Amazing GRACE!!! When did smiles b-cum misappropriate, Me-di-uMmm?? Rwe happy nOWe the pandemic is upON U.S.? Yet the smiley face is written in the His-story books ass an enduring cymbol ore sin-balls of our humanity mocking J nailed on a sin-ball. Next 2Him were 2thieves with the Atheists &Js &Romans &BGees b-LOW con-tagious with SARS-COV2+. Rid-ick-ulous 2those hooo dew knot have Faith in Luv!?.


Symbols can cum 2life like Pinocchio by human inspiration, &b-cum, not a real boy, but AFrankenstein with-out context. Take a look @your MS-Word Icons carefully. Do Usee the SAVE icon on the top-right of Ur virtual desktop whether it bPC ore MAC? How many millennials know what that black square with the thing-A-Ma-Jig-Eeee is? Geezers like me know that is not a "Save" button butt a"Floppy-Disk" forgotten by the young-uns’. Hoo re-members ore Cares about that old-time thanng?


Just like the symbol of the Cross InfoTech has become a Meaningless WORD, abused &forgot-10 like Arotary phone iCON on ur FAX witch the Next gen will use &Abuse, but never understand FOOL-Eee!. The mystery of the Male/Female symbols undivided LIES burY-ed with the Romans &the Greeks &US2.


Fascinating read. Thanks frum aHumbleServant4J..


Sorry&Thanks 4Ur Read

Stone &WJB & PC &IAM

