Great article On Y Ameri-Cant’s R-hyper-sensitive 2the Truth, Mr. Magary. I would do the same thing as an ostrich bowing 2.i.t.s basal ganglia gone wild with the flu. I ignored the pandemic outside until my tummy growled 4a burger inside. I stepped out-side, faced eastward, 2get a burger with my mask on &fear in my empty lonely stomache. Then the Hispanic waiteR accused me of being A-thief. I was shocked. Just bc I looked like a band-it with Aamask on. Just because I was hiding aSprite from next-door. I yelled @the patron 4the first time ever. “U should trust ur customers!” I didn’t know watt came over me; probably 2much fatherhood &pandemic 2boot. Yeah, better 2stay in-side without a mask bc racist colored people R-out there raging in reopened burger joints. Black mobs R-tearing down statues of good but white Robert E. Lee who did not believe in slavery but opposed the North’s re-quest 2fight 4them out of mature loyalt 2Blue. Who Rthe children of racists today? Robert E. Lee ore BLM-activist tear-ing down the effigy of a great man, albeit white & Confederate, that our Post-Truth world has yet 2C or will b-re-born like racist, miso-gynist martyrs of b4 4the wrongs of both nations out of our prideful Nature?
You wrote: "I’m sorry, but I need to know someone out there is protecting me from all the bad people. "
Jesus, is this an example of a good grownup American over 2 centuries old every time we whine like lost children with-out a savior? Do we honor the rebels who threw English Tea in2 Ameri-can ports & harbors by our tiresome bickering while the enemy has crossed the channels once again? We would still be under British rule if we acted as we do in the perfect pandemic storm ever-divided knot United under God we Trust. Two&a-half-century later we have D-evolved from maturity look-ing 4a higher-being or some small demi-god 2save us from the insults of hour devilish Faustian pact with our young nation still needing maturation. Even young children of old nations like Japan who have been bombed 2king-dom come by Ameri-can’t nukes know that no1 will come 2their rescue even if their children’s skin burns from uranium ore plutonium radiation, or lungs from SARS-COV2. Americans love a quick solution 2the problems they inflict on the rest-of-the-world. Thus Godzilla &manga were born in the evil East, &exported their apocalyptic revelations 2the West &in2 Netflix & the Amazon forest, which the took root in the U.S. &birthed an accusing strumpet bickering with herself on the web on Senior-Quell while algae are in bloom. When Global Warming comes, it the blue-green algae we will have to save more than the denuded rainforests. Then you will definitely need masks 2C Machu-Pichu bc sea level will be like the Andes.
The government can't B-trusted whether East or West 2 care for our elderly & kiddos @any time in History or Her-Story. In the end, it’s Child’s Play, We All go South 2gather. That hasn’t Changed or been Challenged since bullies &politics were invented by men with 2much power hating their women, selling their B-wares in the marketplace with men’s chauvinism masquerading, or murdering the chiseled good looks of their collective brother Able bludgeoned like 2much veal.
Jeez, @least the East knows how 2Play Abel, like obedient citi-Zens when a pandemic hits while the West still plays Cowboys &Indians still in mint condition ore unopened in the box like Love never unboxed ore neutered. But I.T. does kno good if the West is still looking toward evidence of a whip-smart-ass savior &tirelessly seeking &debating if masks should be worn or if skools shoold b-opened in all state or some states. Already, the crowded GA schools are infested with students without masks. Enuf of our collective self-hate sparing no-1. The coronavirus doesn’t care but prefers the 2nd-option. I.t. relishes a divided society.
Heck, if eyes&ears work with dangerous tools, I cover my ears and eyes. If I work with women, I cover my privates with clean under-ware during the weak-daze. Why should covering our Nose&Mouth against an airborne terrorist B-any different than dawning con-dumbs, goggles, dental-dams, ear-plugs, or a hazmat suit on Week-Ends and Weekdays? 24–7? What’s the debate? Who cares if the barrier is no better than holy napkins stapled with a rubber band over your holes? Should we do a study if napkins R-better than no masks, 2? Is i.t. any better than ignorant open mouths waiting 4a viral worm 2go down their childish, indecisive throats? What’s the evidence of what I just spoke or wrote? What is the alpha &significant p-value? The confidence interval? The Odd Ratio? O.R. or ICU, it’s your choice and I don’t care (IDC). IDK.
Trust, is all oui got @the end of our sorry Life. The rest can go 2Hell, but not my baby, plz G. KNo, we all go down in flames together like so many buffalos &Nips &Chinks-in-our-holey-Amour shot down bye CowboyAmericans with-out rea-son ore just bc they were bored in their Teslas&BoxCars with pistols. This pandemic is as much a cultural &societal war as i.t. is abiological prairie wild-fire scorching our humanity by an invisible, in-divisible terror-ists much worse than the Taliban 2 skyscrapers. Look how much the West did 2bring peace 2the Middle East 4their lust 4Oil? Oh Lawrence of Arabia, look what Americans &English Capitalists R-doing 2Mother Earth’s beautiful&social mum-keys &Her children?
If Ucan't live with the awe-full truth, literally, we canknot get out of the scorching fire or in2 the sizzling frying pan. It’s all-around U.S. It’s in the air &In our lungs. Macs with ACE-2r, COVID-19 willB there 2burn hour children, elderly &the disadvantaged 2a capital crisp like a Black Plague. Instead of b-ing hopeless like sorry American blackened slaves during our hour of need ass in the tire-sum Civil War, I would recommend singing the Singular Emancipation Blues of Blacks or finding our own UndergroundRailroad North-ward bc I have lost faith in Man &his multi-colored govern-I-meant2s looking 4a Medium bye evidence alone. Prideful & petrified West. Take a look @SF China-town who thumbed their noses&Iknows @the CDC, WHO &OSHA! They R-the true yellow civil-terrorists infiltrating, sinking their slanty rage in2 free meals 4their elderly locked-up in their SROs &forcing them 2wear condoms over their mouths &noses 4their own collective good.
The American thought that Asians were yellow-devils who Shanghaied Californian maidens are entrenched in the American soil 2day &in me since I was naturalized; nothing has changed centuries later. Now, white men, some of our best men, shanghaied Asian sisters &gay men in return. They love Asian boyz in a kind of insane reverse hypocrisy. The iron-y is knot lost on me as an emasculated Asian man in the States that is derided by Trump’s thoughtless sound bytes on H.B.O. My XKorean wife told me just once that I would be handsome had I returned to the Land of the Mourning Calm. Yellows stick 2gether when the Red, White & Blues ore when the coronavirus cums 4them.
That community of chinky-rebels in SF has nearly O deaths in this small section of the great American gay SF while other pious whitewashed cities R-ravaged by fire from the coronavirus like rings around Losers & Posies. If we don’t have firewalls installed on Macs ore PCs, your computer would B-toast by an internet virus frum NK or China &do-not forget scammers &Spammers. Y don’t we have firewalls over hour Western mouths, over our collective communities, over our white-washed brain-washed nations? Victims, aren’t u tired of this? R-masks really effective? More effective than holding your breath? What’s the evidence? Who has common-sense these days like REL or JL or MLK? New Rome burns &the people R-playing violins ore march-ing in rallies 2their apocalypse with &with-out masks? Who really cares these days, anywayz? The virus does. Delish, it might say.
Sew I write on. The coronavirus does not Core care 4borders as we do @Google Earth on our tablets. There R-no borders from space from my vantage point. That evidence is clear &does not need 2be peer-reviewed. COVID-19, SARS-COV2, the coronavirus or any virus for that infernal matter do not care 4our biggest of lies, our indecision, or our feigned helplessness. The Wild Things feed up-on Human ignorance just 2worm their way in2 our genome until our extinction by our own devices. It decimates the innocent when we feel but are not helpless. Is that justice 4our inability 2work 2gether? The death tolls a-cross nations show a pattern. Dig in2 i.t. It will reveal some-thing about the aching collective human heart dying by the 1000s each day. These include our devices that drive fear & anxiety in2 our hearts &hours making U.S. bend our collective knees &needs in2 beaten &frightened ostriches, burying their heads b4the pandemic’s might.
Asian Tigers &Pandas fear their Gods by hunkering down in worthlessness &subjugation willingly. While Wild Western Eagles &Pious Lions across the Atlantic C Rstill roaming 4evidence. Their apocalypse of their owned design, as their Saint John revealed, I.s. upon their Pride coming 4them &U.S. all. Trump, China-Virus? Plz.. It’s a Sino-Occi virus &as-usual the children &colored people Rcaught in the cross-fire of White Caine vs Yellow Able.
Terror-ists like the Lakota-Sioux, Mongols of Old, Taliban & COVID-19 divided &conquered their masters like ancient Warriors such as Crazy Horse rather than ass Apathetic Armchair worriers &blamers with MBAs like Great&Proud American ostracized ostriches such as Trump or Mousse-O-Lean-E. REL, America has been trumped by Trump, indeed. MAGA! He is no Southerner even though he has a home in FLA.
It is a good day 2die as my Red Confederate-hero once said. B@peace my Ghost Warrior hated by good Americans with Manifest Destiny 2crucify Crazy Horse. The Americans ore the Corona-virus cannot get U now . KNow whom 2truly Fear. The rest will then be easy.
Missed the 5 minute mark, shukx. Medium is watching, big brother! She’s got the Clap all wrong. It’s not size, it’s length that matters now. Watt’s next? The girth of a piece? The engorged response, indeed, Ed.