“Khaaan!” saith J.T. Kirk. Great article. Khan rocks! He puts Sun Tzu's Art of War into brutal action 8 centuries later. I would recommend if you haven't already read a definitive & personal biography of the Honorable Khan: "Genghis Khan and the Making of the Modern World."
Getting back to your question, I think you've already stated your answer or opinion:
"Thankfully, humans have evolved beyond this point."
Considering the CO2 ppm today vs Mr. Khan's time, considering the global pandemic propagated by polluting airplanes & powerful civil servants, considering the never-ending fight between ignorant Muslims & zealous Christians since the Crusade, since Trump is in the Oval Office mocking democracy, I would say "Power" is favored by 80% of humans, 1% of uber-rich who indenture 99% of the 20% "Curious" people to annual subscriptions, human-trafficking & such unrelated friendly fire from the powerful & simian.
Gallileo, Leo DaVinci, Cezanne & Einstein were not random flukes of nature. But the ghosts of MLK, Gandhi, Joan of Arc, Jesus, Prez Lincoln who were all gunned down or burnt by option #1 power-hungry people may disagree with your opinion.
As you wrote counter to your opinion:
"But I can’t say that his conquest is something to be emulated. It’s very brutal, and if you’re going to conquer the world, it had better be for a good cause."
Yes, I wonder what excuses or causes the Nouveau Khans are emulating or drumming up like MAGA? Ghengis worshipped the Eternal Blue Sky of Mongolia & beyond & the God Mountain of Burkhan Khaldun. He knew his place in the universe, to conquer & unite. I doubt his children are as visionary as that dead Mongol geezer; his country like Greece is a forgotten glory just like Khan’s legacy diluted by his quarrelsome children.
Today we can't see the eternal skies because of smog & light pollution, so that's out, and a good excuse not to worship anything but me.
Me thinks the powerful & ignorant worship Mammon today in secret, the demon-god of Money & Wealth like the Jews did while Moses was communing maturely & intelligently with curiosity listening, not talking back to God, and following His Word 2 the Letter.
Too bad Genghis only got as far West as Austria in the 13th century. The world would be a more inclusive place for all people & religions. White people would be marginalized. They would have to look twice when Chinky Cops drive by. Orientals could emancipate them or not.
Look at how united China has become compared to the dis-U.S.A.. China has the real power of Khan because they are quietly conspiring against New-Roman Caesar in DC with a shank tucked behind his Oriental back while whispering to Putin & Kim Il-Sung’s grandchild to arm the warheads against the Capitalist Whyte Pigs.