2 min readAug 18, 2020


Good job. How deadly is the coronavirus? Let U.S. count the wayward ways. COVID-19 is projected to nab the bronze medal in the leading cause of death in America this month. Move over lung cancer, COVID-19 has bumped smokers into 4th place with a paltry 135,000 projected deaths this year. COVID-19 is gunning for 1st place demoting heart disease. Way to go America! Our love for violence and rugged-individualism has rocketed us to pandemic stardumb. COVID-19 thinks America is the greatest despite what the world thinks of U.S.


We're 55% of the way there to beat the number of American boyz killed by bullets and bombs during World War-2. We're projected to reach 70% by fall with the help of the flu season. Can you see them fall like worthless crimson leaves? Come on AmeriCans, let's make America great again and reach 100% of WWII levels by Winter's end.


A conservative chided me on Medium for wanting to give up my AmeriCan't freedom to escape to an autocratic country like New Zealand where their pitiful death count is 22 beautiful souls lost. Compare that with 170,000 souls disposed of in America in the name of freedom. What is the cost of American independence as Ms. Rosalie exposed our love for guns more than two centuries old? Isn’t it time to stop playing with guns or would you rather find your child full of holes like America’s Second Amendment? Is this what Thomas Jefferson envisioned when shots rang out against their oppressors to preserve their right to bear arms? In 1776, every American carried guns because of the Redcoats and Injuns, but we’ve driven them back to their homes or reservations centuries ago.


Who is the real threat to Americans now? I think it is ourselves shooting bullets at an invisible terrorist ravaging the old, the poor, and the young like so many buffalos shot without reason. I think we’ve just shot ourselves in the foot and COVID-19 found holes to wiggle into our hearts, brains, and lungs. The evidence is incontrovertible.




