Oct 28, 2020


F*ck Marx. Netflix, HuLu, Amazon Prime & the tainted Appl. They R waiting 4 U kneading a god-knight's sleep!
Godzilla like Phoeniz Az wuz borne b4 Whyte men dropped nukes on Horishama & Yellow Pride.
Like U wrote:
"4 me horror is that FIX"
That sinister cabal of human lives thu-out HIS-story, hijacked 4 Evil purposes 4 the Dick in men. Methinks apathy & inertia is the grate-est of Evil Legions regardless of gender differences.
Penny Dreadful b-damned. Mr. King killed clowns 4 kiddos all around the globe. Parents have 2 scramble 4 knew entertainment 4 hour b-LOVEd Rug-Rats @ their B-Day parties on Instagram, Facebook, bye Google & such atrocities of the modern I.T. age.
M. Buber would be blubbering in apologies 2 God & JC. Even & oddly Lucifer 4 sanity’s sake in this mad world of homo sapines.
The deepest & cherished object of our rock bottom dearest hate, desires & work like abs Love like the Geek Squad in Luv with # & 2 much cents w/o enuf cents.
Democracy b damned. It’s a charade 2 Mob-ocracy sew craw in HIS-story. True, troo luv makes know sense ore Sense 2 the faithless. Wouldn’t U want 2b Judas 2 Christ U fuck-less Atheists & wishy-washy agnostics.
Bravo! Go-map-dah, S&G!!!

