Oct 24, 2020


Dear Ms. Chelsea. Wow. Have a hart rather than gunning for 1. I mean I guess U deserve a small snippet of kudos also 4 sticking up for his grate son from what I red. But woe woman, your poor husband or Y or boyfriend 2.
Have a heart. All men feel that way toward their children & their spouses. I'm sure ur significant other has moments like him. Excuse my French, but if you don't believe in God, we cannot claim unconditional Love that includes ambivalent agnostics. If we objectify our lovers, yet demand unconditional love, that's called hippo-crass mooing.
Besides, every 1 on Medium is streaking their dirty underwear worn on the outside like a pathetic superhero with click-baity titles phishing in their birthday suits. Y not this man? Those with unconditional love may stone this man & me 2, but I’m already made of Stone.
I'm sure by his writing he has honest feelings for his son, which is the beginning kernel of love sprouting. What skeletons are you hiding in your closet that needs light & air? Or rather, whose bones do they belong 2?
I'm sure he has enuf prudence to keep his journals safe from prying eyes & the sun until they can both read maturely without indignation or disgust.
Bravo 2 both U & the honest X 4 exposing your-selves or looking down on U.S. with more Thou than U or I.



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