4 min readAug 6, 2020


Brenden, your writing is like Timothy Burton resurrected in2 words. I agree with Alexandra down in the depths of your admirers. She wrote dark times call for dark superheroes. It is a tale as old as Robin Hood & the Virgin heroine. The story is reborn in Batman vs. Superman and in Star Wars & Toy Stories. This kind of reverence 4Death Culture or Couture arises when the time is right&ripe 2look f4a Messiah b-it flesh ore spir-it. Do u really think Metallica would cell during the Great Depression? I prefer Woody. Our chromosome is bred 2worship as wolves reflexively howl @the Moon. Perhaps we are useless as so much timber wasted with-out permits. We elected a Joker 2the Oval Office bc the time was ripe 2erase Black Obama’s gains & failures especially during his 2nd term. Whites murdered their brothers &sisters in their rage since the White House was guarded. He struggled against a Rep. Senate majority &the Blue States abandoned him bc he was tackled by White Senators fumbling toward Democracy in his 1st Term as Prez. He’s theBlack RobinHood I would like a lock of Afro-hair from when he’s shot full of wholes. It’s as old as cutting off a Pure White Rabbit’s foot by the millions for a chance at Lady Luck &discarding the meat 2 its extinct-shun. It's like a Holocaust of turkeys decimated in Thanks on Thanksgiving holey-football-day.


As Karen types, i.t. is a tale as old as Time & love of GUI. Bonnie & Clyde. Marilyn Monroe & JFK. Rome&Juiet. Isolde where4 Art Thou? I.T. is as old as Neanderthals laying flowers 4the dead during a small-pox plague. I am of the Denisovans lineage also buried in the homo-sapiens's 24 chromosomes like a SARS-COV2. XYZ. Take a look at Sierna’s response if I may give a plug 2her on Medium. She may be needing the cash. Is i.t. claps ore length that pays the bills this time, Medium? I get so confused Yeveryone is writing really, really long pieces. I guess size does matter 2Day.


She wrote: “Not sure what people were expecting to gain from this, as it( i)s useless when taken without context.”


I respond: The context is the Great Depression in America after the Stock Market tanked in the U.S. The the Dust Bowl happened @the same time. It was a one-two punch 2the farmers &the poorer than poor. Read Steinbeck for God's sake! People were in worse shape than we Rnow during this world-wide pandemic-K. Our grandparents didn’t have the Avengers to look forward to after coming up short. They didn’t have Amazon or Google or Apple to taste the forbidden fruit.


Pieces of a dead Robin Hood &Virgin Bonny was all they had 2 look 4-ward2. Take a look @cultures that revere the bones of Saints like in Mexico. What do we revere, irreverent Amer-Can'ts? Can atheists experience Holy & Awe without some1 ore some-thing 2bend the needs4? What’s the use oreR these dead relics useless as just calcified bones & ashes as evidence says I.T. is without Divine Intervention? It depends on Ur un-holey perspective. Ucan respect differences in other people's choices of saviors or superheroes. Y would I care who uPray2 in your hour of need & kneeling? Ore do u look only @the expectation of gains 2b had? Or make benign excuses @worshippers as useless data points without Con-Text bc i.t.’s all anti-climatic without the Big-U&Eye.


Y, the Great Depression was a time of the Perfect Storm. Bred from our luv of industry. Your grand-pappy was made of tuff-ER mettle than your grand-children will everB staring @a flashlight all hours of the day. Biceps sagging. Locks of Bonny was all He had be4 kewl Tech was re-discovered in a NM garage by Job & Gaits 2do the job 4u.s. by colored people again. It was a total FUBAR in the plantation daze like i.t. is 2day, but this time I.T. went viral on a jet. America's firewalls were down till Norton came to raise the gates from hackers. Who cares if the Reds had taken over China, Ron. We have no leaders 2day &no heroes like MLK, Mr.X, John Lewis, RBG or Obama any-mo'. I would luv a piece of Trump Right-Now, but I like my hands clean & un-chained. He’s useless anyway. What was I expecting from another Anti-Christ?


Perhaps the FBI will show up @my door b-cause I dis-respected the authorities once upon a time. Guess what? Been there. I'm in their files. Done that. Life is not useless, is not eternal-separation. What does the readership on Medium worship singularly? Don't atheists bend the knee &their needs2 when called by the Police Dept? Even agnostics can not breathe when the knees of bullies Rup-on our collective-throats like good ol' GF.Jr. I can't breathe! The air is infected bye Asocietal war-fare @a physiological level unseen since 1917, Mr. Trump. Wat is the Con-Text, indeed, Ms. S. Say your prayers 2-Night boyz&girlz. The Angel of Death is staring @Ur door frames 4-inno-sense ore common-cents. Winter is cumming. Gather your children under 1-roof not scattered in leaky pods East 2West.


We Ra species born 2P-raise. With-out praise our Devilish Pride devours our flock even if they are leaky embalmed Bonny &Clyde. We worship this Kamikaze Culture by propagating these modern Romeo&Juliets on the silver screen full of holes. A lock from the Virgin Bonny keeps the dream of redemption alive in the darkest of times. It’s Y we make Saint-Jerky and parade them on Halloween &All Souls Day. Does that answer your ?, S?

