Be a Brute 2 your Addictions

2 min readJan 3, 2021
















































Every mourning I take a drag upon rising I
heed the battle-ax hanging over my head.
The edge has a way of getting my attention.

Not today

Today, the anniversary of breaking revolving spins
without my sun by volition, I’ve broken orbit,
Like a comet exiting our solar system, I’ll return in ice.

How many more months till we’re free?

Turn off the score, erase the tally marks
or at least, walk away from the blackboard.
Even the worst addict knows how grace feels.

Music 2my ears, para sam gate!

Like a speck of light blowing away the blackness,
ick that memory of God’s goodness flickering,
But never goes out because that’s my AWOL Familiar.


And when my light fades, would the world end in2?
I’ve faith of a grain of sand, inside hydrogen bonds
That keeps me imprisoned by addiction & affection lost.

Be fruitfool & multiply in worship.

I’ve taken the sooty & stained hands of addiction kindly;
I made the monkies on my back swing me across Styx.
Addict-shun loses her threats of hell & brimstone inside lava.

Where4 is your sting & whip, Addict?

When we all live in Sodom & Gomorrah as writing larvae,
and Lot & his family minus a battleax’ve turned to salt,
then I am a goner rounding the citadel of the dead.

To breathe heaven’s airs without the human stench

Billions pursuing happiness inside the Tower of Babel
I just want out, but my addictions no longer enable me.
Can addictions lose their sin & be bored with chasers?

Know your enemies well till they kill ewe..

It’s the beginning of the end of gravity, re-entry,
free falling back down to my truant & drunk soul
We will meet for one last time; I’ve become my Familiar

Taunt & mock entropy & equilibations

I have trashed my throne of the abdicated addictions;
..i have become lord of my disreputable manor & manners,
By assassination of addictions hoping 4a recovering addict

Stop running away & let them over-run your needs

Once upon a time,
h? Addicts never get a happy ending
Even if it is with a VR “me luv ewe long time”

It’s just like any job at Round Table,
Just living La Vida Loca

