2 min readOct 18, 2020


Another morbidly black gem undiscovered by either Wiki or Google! Thank u 4turning me on2 another dark chapter in Art History. Sensei Hirasawa was a leading tempura painter in Japan b4 WW2 & continues to be a profound influence on the Japanese art psyche.
He, however, managed 2get his post-war family by without robbing a bank w/ military-grade poison. Pornography PainTing was a thankless passion of his ass is mine like driving a taxi 4 chump-change. It paid the bills, not like his true art, 4his family & crawled up the authorities' crotches like jaundiced hippies with rabies.
The highly respected Otaru art museum finally accepted Hirasawa's paintings saying apologetically, "Hirasawa cultivated painters in Otaru, and otherwise endeavored to advance the growth of art. His works are very precious, and if certain conditions are met, we want to accept them." Sorry to say most were lost or burned in the name of decency. Thankfully, his adopted son of the late painter discovered 1 of his father's most famous works, "Karikachi Taikan" (Panoramic View from the Karikachi Pass), which was lost about 60 years ago.
Sumio Hamada, a psychology professor at Nara Women's University spoke, "The deposition documents of Mr. Hirasawa show he resigned himself to his fate and tried to play the role of the criminal as investigators demanded when he confessed," said. "It is a typical example of a false confession." Hamada doubts the credibility of the identification of Hirasawa by witnesses in the lineup.
The authorities & pigs should be ashamed of ruining good pork in our Animal Farm in 1984.
It is highly suspect that Sensei Hirasawa was either a tortured soul or a despicable criminal. Imho, that Jap was innocent & freedom came 5 years earlier than he hoped.
Note 2self & other like-minded artists, stay under the radar of Big Brothers B-he white, black or yellow. They'll beat you black & blue for a confession of their making & make it stick like glue 2u like a scarlet letter, Y?

