3 min readJul 23, 2020


Amazing piece! You make the complex science on today’s wall like a playful child’s scrawl. Beautifully written! I am humbled by your bulls-I wit. Your style of writing is sorely needed from medical writers still talking like professors to a half-interested audience.


As an oncology biologist by training &a pharmacist 2boot, am in the blessed position to question every coronavirus related data and wonder what grade their patients would give them on rapid testing for the COVID-19 as wells as saving lives? Putting on both the Scientist cap as a biology researcher for 20 years and newly minted pharmacist cap, I have the following questions:


1) How is SARS-CoV-2 unusual to other coronaviruses’? Is SARS-CoV-2 the only member of the undead viruses that target killer-T-Cells? What is the link between endogenous retroviruses (ERV) &Memory T-Cells in killing grandparents but sparing more kiddos? Is there hope 2use HIV-drugs 2fight our body’s pro-inflammatory response b4 needing O2?


2) Do you think the junk DNA in the human genome is used by T-Cells to practice fisticuffs with the viral kingdom by presenting subdued antigens to B-cells to rally the anti-bodies? Is that y some people can mount a quick response 2-SARS-CoV-2 while others perish from their own innate immune system gone rogue?


3) Do you think novel & current drugs enhancing T-cells, specifically the A.P.C. & T.C.R. lineage, will help mount an effective immune response against the coronavirus, thus saving lives & grandparents? Can’t we use something like Sipuleucel to teach our T-cells to fight off this coronavirus? I hear there are at least 3 vaccines around the horizon at 2 doses. Let’s see: 7 billion people x 2 doses … that’s a lot of shots. Ouch!


4) That hurts like a hearse. Is dexamethasone effective in ventilated but knot non-ventilated patients infected with this virus bc the killer is not the coronavirus but our innate immune response flooding the lungs till we choke on our own juices? There4, is it ineffective or even fatal 4-non-ventilated patients 2receive Dex bc it can suppress their innate immune response 2 the viral insult? We can avert a supply shortage if we can straighten out this question & save lives 4-real. It’s not like in the movies as everyone says on vid-e-o. It is too S.A.R.S.-real.


5) How would you measure if a vaccine boosts T-cell response to the viral insult 2our eukaryotic cells? Is it as simple as counting the # of T-Cells after vaccination, or is it a little more unusual & complicated than that like the Sun-Virus bc their capsids change like rays of the sun? Is 50% set by the F.D.A. high enuf lives saved 4efficacy? What about 20%? 10% Should we b-buying Pfe or not?


Great read. Know need 2respond to my rambling questions. My eyes were just writing out loud. I, not my Eyes, look forward 2 following U & your sexy scientific eyes & fingers like a piper to the human-rat-race. You have rekindled my curiosity 2know more about the coronavirus & Y I spent too much 4a FarmD degree at the harvest of my ignominious career …

4-my son and all daughters who look 2healthcare professionals 4evidence but not c the gamble in every significant data point hollered from the human-stained Minaret of Babble.





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