3 min readAug 1, 2020


Alexandra, let me field DTW’s comments. I think I am in an objective position to respond since I am a pharmacist and biologist for over 30 years. This is the kind of finger-pointing that is rampant in America while other nations have banded together to protect these dirty organizations: those who work in the media, scientists that work in the labs, and the doctors who treat COVID-19 patients. And let’s not forget the forgotten cohort, the children, the disadvantaged, the poor, the old and dying. If you look at the demographics in other countries, it is the Oppressed that has the highest percentage of infection. In Korea, it's women not Latinos. In Korea, grandmothers clean their subways not African-Americans.


DTW writes this isn’t a battle of doctors versus the truth. DTW also writes it a battle with the media who have misrepresented the “objective data” and twisted the “objective dialogue”. Yes, that is true. SO? Shouldn’t we also point fingers at our government mandated to protect all citizens whether rich or poor? What about the CDC, WHO and OSHA who are still debating if the virus is in the air or if masks really save? What about their recommendations for re-opening schools when the pandemic hasn’t even hit the second surge, while flu season is around the corner in the coming months? What about the Latino brothers and sisters dying to provide your produce? Who's responsible for their deaths? So what if the doctors and scientists are speaking behind their lecterns with confusing advice to their patients causing a shortage of life-saving drugs for late-stage COVID-19+ citizens and re-opening schools when the 2nd surge is ahead? Shouldn’t we blame them as Alexandra has exposed objectively? I for one, applaud her daring against the establishment. I haven’t seen much coverage of doctors and scientists as culprits. It is time to include them in the dirty bunch in America. Perhaps as a godless nation, they are our new popes and bishops gambling with our children’s lives? Nothing new here.


There is no one to blame in America but U.S. and us Americans. We must all do our part against a common threat united not divided. This reminds me of the movie, Braveheart. If you haven’t watched Braveheart, let me give you a brief synopsis. The Scotts are divided and want to negotiate with their oppressors to continue their sorry lives and keep their seats of power warm. Only Braveheart wanted to unite the clans to fight a common enemy, but the Scotts were on the ground looking for chump-change and pointing fingers. Eventually, like Christ, they nailed him while he shouted, "Freedom!", with his guts hanging out. The English won while the Scotts pointed fingers. Scotland is still under the Orange Flag.


Yes, I agree with Alexandra. We must fight in every direction the virus moves. Challenge the media, yes. Report scientists and doctors who push hydroxychloroquine and dexamethasone without doing their due diligence in research, yes. Challenge our government policies, definitely. Challenge your friend who wants to go out, yes. Question the recommendations of the CDC, AAP to send your children to school to prevent mental illness while their body becomes infected, infecting you and you and you.


If DTW is a proponent of open & objective dialogue and objective data (imho,there is no objective data. Evidence is in the eye of the subjective beholder), then it does not help DTW's cause to call Alexandra’s objective and personal piece as a "personal vendetta", imho. How objective is that, DTW? What does it accomplish to sling mud while the virus rages? First blame the media, then blame an innocent writer for alerting readers to doctors as a member of the dirty bunch? Then as Jesus said, he who is without blame can stone the writer. DTW’s words are merely more fuel in America’s bonfire of their vanities while the pandemic rages on without a care in the world of our objectivity.


Nice spin, DTW. Let’s straighten ourselves out of this viral-FUBAR and focus on the real issue, saving lives while those with authority and power fumbles and squabbles with our children, our brother and sister’s lives. Responsible countries like Korea are now experiencing a resurgence of the virus despite their responsible measures unlike the U.S. Ask yourself which nation is responsible for messing up their nation with airplanes full of Americans, Indians, and Brazilians? If I’m wrong, the mortality rate for nations will change over time as Winter comes and schools reopen.





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