A long reply for a long trail of tears 4 the oppressed whatever color is due to a long rainbow requiem. With all due respect, please don't try to un-justify whom I choose to justify; Abe's dead & he needs some accolades esp with children tearing down Robert E. Lee just because immature post-Truth kids don't like the color of REL’s State 160 years later; they are colorists if Red States or racists.
I doubt even a Prince could do better than the man whose effigy is in the Lincoln Memorial during a Civil War with good people at each others' throats over the color Negro.
Mythologies, as Campbell would agree, provide a forum for good to struggle against evil though it is futile as wrestling with angels or Darth Vader or the Borg. Jacob did it and won a nation. Mythologies cannot create larger problems since the solutions will inevitably be the questions still unanswered. Profound mythologies are circles without end; cheap imitations are linear in thought. That's why French Noir tear jerkers that have no conclusions are profound compared to HCA-lite Little Mermaid's Disney ending. We all turn into water sprites no matter the happy ending we get, want, or need.
I don't agree with much of your response 2, but I respect your right to have an opinion without putting a choke-hold on you or kicking you out of your reservation. That's called brotherhood, something our founding fathers forgot when Jefferson wrote, "All men are created equal." As a slave owner & a cheater, he omitted "Caucasian or white that are not Gypsies or Jews"; women are hysterical at that period & don’t get a vote till years later by angry hysterical girls, LOL.
I leave this briefer response in the good & honest words of Walt Whitman on the assassination of a great martyr (imho) 4 an American cause without a clue. We have lost Whitman's vision for America like prodigal rainbow racists.
"O Captain! My Captain!"
Where4, ART Thou??
- Stone